Intermittent Fasting - The best way to lose weight fast

Intermittent fasting is the most popular diet plan around the world. Not only does it help with weight loss, but it's also much easier than a fad diet to stay healthy and disease-free.

Intermittent fasting is the best way to lose weight fast

We are ethnically very foodies. Our love for food cannot be expressed in words. But this eating joke comes with problems like indigestion, diabetes, heart problems, and liver problems. This is why weight control is necessary, but avoiding favorite foods is so easy! That's why most people don't start dieting until they're forced to. Most of those who do suffer from mental anguish!

But if I say there is a way where you can eat your favorite food and healthily lose weight! Yes, this is what Intermittent Fasting is all about.

Intermittent fasting was among the most searched terms on the internet in 2019. It was so popular that the English Journal of Medicine made a report on it. It originally came to the fore in 2012, through BBC journalist Dr. Michael Mosley's TV show "Eat Fast, Live Longer". Let's find out the history of the end!

What exactly is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a diet where what you eat, not how much, is the key. Instead, focus on when you eat. Much like fasting. You can go from fasting for a large part of the day to eating normally for the rest of the day.

There is also a rule that you can fast two days a week and live a normal life for the remaining 5 days. Fear not, it's not as hard as it sounds. You can drink more water, calorie-free drinks, or drinks, tea, and coffee. You can also eat low-calorie foods during long fasts. You decide which of these eating habits will fit best in your life!

How does intermittent fasting work?

The two most popular rules for intermittent fasting are 16:8 and 5:2. 16:8 is 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of normal eating. On the other hand, 5:2 means you can eat medium-sized meals (500-600 calories) 2 days a week. Always drink plenty of water.

What we eat breaks down and enters our blood. Blood carries energy to every cell in the body. Carbohydrates are broken down very quickly and glucose provides energy to our body. Excess food intake stores excess energy in the body as fat. This process is accomplished only through insulin. If you fast for a long time, the body's insulin just decreases, causing the stored fat to break down!

What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

Before going into the details of intermittent fasting, let's know the benefits. If there is less trouble with food, everyday life will be easier, you will be able to focus more on work, money will be saved, etc. You will get worldly benefits and you will also get a lot of physical benefits.

  • Blood sugar levels will be controlled.
  • Reduces insulin in the blood. Which will help break down body fat.
  • Helps control blood pressure.
  • Weight gain will stop.
  • Prevents all diseases related to excess weight.
  • It will help in a long life.
  • Helps increase the Human Growth Hormone or (HGC). Which will help break down fat and build muscle.
  • All will lose weight easily.

How do you start intermittent fasting?

How do you start intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is beneficial for most healthy people. However, if you want to adopt a practice of intermittent fasting, you must first be aware of your personal needs. ie what do you want? Is weight loss or healthy living your goal? Which routine fits best with your daily routine? A rule should be adopted only after being sure about etc. But of course, it is wise to consult a doctor before starting.

Which method would be best for me?

There are four possible methods a person can use while fasting with health in mind. You should choose the plan that suits your preferences and you can do it for a long time.

The procedures are –

  • Fast, eat again
  • The Warrior Diet
  • Linguines
  • Alternate day fasting

Remember, what you eat and how much you eat are not fixed, but eating healthy, nutritious foods will benefit you. Don't eat too much in the time you eat to make up for not eating during the fasting period. Eat as much as you need. Let's go into detail about the methods now.

Fast, re-eat, or 24-hour diet

A man named Brad Pilon created this diet plan, where 24-hour fasting is done twice a week. That is, you fast for 24 hours on any 2 days of the week, but not 2 days in a row. However, you can drink plenty of water and calorie-free drinks. Those who have never fasted for such a long time before should refrain from it first.

Warrior diet or 20:4 hour diet

In this diet, like the Eat Stop Eat diet, you have to fast for a long time. A man named Ori Hofmechler invented it. Here you can fast for 20 hours and eat normal food for the remaining four hours. It is not suitable for those who are thinking of starting fresh.

Lingaine's or 16:8 Hour Diet

The most popular and convenient regimen for intermittent fasting is the 16:8 diet plan. It was invented by Martin Barkhan. It has 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating normal food. The 16:8 diet plan is only followed if you don't eat three meals a day. But it is convenient to skip lunch. This way you don't have to worry about lunch at work.

Yes, I agree, it's not as easy as it sounds. It will be difficult at first, but slowly the body will start adapting. Initially start with 12-13 hours fast. It probably won't be difficult. There is no restriction on drinking water during fasting. Moreover, almost all Muslims in Bangladesh are used to fasting. Other religions also have the custom of fasting. This time should be gradually increased to 16 hours. Some experts advise women to fast for 14 hours.
This diet plan is so effective that many famous Hollywood actors and actresses follow this diet plan for good health.

Alternate-day fasting or 5:2 day diet

Alternate-day fasting is also known as the 5:2 diet. This diet is very easy to explain. Any five days per week, you don't have to think about eating normally and restricting calories.= But on the other two days, you should reduce your calorie intake to a quarter of your daily requirement. This is 500 calories per day for women and 600 calories for men. But make sure that it does not happen for 2 consecutive days.
Remember, it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking any diet plan.

Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting

Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting

Very few side effects may occur for a healthy normal person. At first, there may be problems like dizziness, slowness and inattention. But it will adapt slowly.

However, those with physical problems should consult a doctor before starting the diet. Because it is likely to be risky for them. Intermittent fasting should be avoided in some cases,

  • Pregnant woman
  • Lactating women
  • Those who are trying to get pregnant
  • Diabetic patients
  • Patients with low blood pressure
  • Those who weigh less than normal

Not that intermittent fasting will work for everyone. It may not fit your lifestyle. But don't despair, there are numerous other diet plans that will help you lose weight.

Good health is our wish. Most healthy people do not realize that happiness and peace lie within this body. So be aware before losing health. Good health is essential in your journey to a healthy and beautiful future.


Intermittent fasting stands out as a powerful and sustainable method for weight loss. The evidence supporting why intermittent fasting is the best way to lose weight fast is compelling. Remember, your journey to health starts with a single decision, why not make it today?


Can I Exercise During Fasting Periods?

Absolutely! In fact, exercising during fasting can amplify the benefits, promoting faster weight loss and improved fitness levels.

Will Intermittent Fasting Affect My Energy Levels?

Initially, you may experience an adjustment period, but once your body adapts, you'll likely notice increased energy and stamina.

How Soon Can I Expect Results?

Results vary, but many individuals observe changes within a few weeks. Consistency is key to long-term success.

Can I Customize Fasting Windows?

Yes, Intermittent Fasting is flexible. You can choose fasting windows that align with your lifestyle and preferences.

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