Is Vitamin C Effective For Colds - Did You Know?

Is Vitamin C Effective For Colds

Cold or common cold is a very common problem that affects almost all people more or less. In 1970, Nobel laureate medical scientist Linus Pauling mentioned in one of his books that vitamin C can play an effective role in the treatment and prevention of colds.

Later, there were many more studies on this topic, and in general, how effective vitamin C can actually be in treating colds is discussed in detail in this paragraph.

Vitamin C Health Benefits

Vitamin C is a very readily available vitamin that participates in various important functions of the body. Vitamin C has many health benefits.

The nature of this vitamin is that it is water-soluble, meaning it is not stored in the body. So it is necessary to have vitamin C in the daily food list.

The daily requirement of vitamin C is 90 mg for an adult male and 75 mg for a female. However, pregnant women and lactating mothers need relatively more. Children need much less than adults.

How does vitamin C reduce colds and coughs?

How does vitamin C reduce colds and coughs

As claimed by medical scientist Linus Pauling, vitamin C supplements taken daily can play an effective role in preventing cold-cough attacks. But his recommended dose is 18,000 mg of vitamin C a day, which is many times more than a person's daily requirement.

At the time, no other study proved the medical scientist Linus Pauling's claim to be correct. Rather, it is considered unreasonable to take such a large amount of vitamin C supplements.

A 2013 study of more than 11,000 people of various occupations and ages showed that taking vitamin C supplements in excess of the daily requirement (200 mg per day) did not play a significant role in preventing colds.

However, vitamin C plays a helpful role in curing cold symptoms and speeding recovery. Vitamin C can help cure colds by strengthening the body's immune system.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Foods rich in vitamin C

When the body lacks vitamin C, the immune system becomes weak, which causes the tendency to get sick easily. Especially cold is a disease caused by a virus which is very common in our country.

While there is no strong argument or research results for taking extra vitamin C supplements to ward off colds by keeping the body's immune system strong, there is no disagreement about food intake.

That is, foods rich in vitamin C help to prevent and cure various types of infections by increasing the immune system. Therefore, you should eat enough foods rich in vitamin C every day.

Among the foods rich in vitamin C are lemons, oranges, malta, grapes, grapefruit, amlaki, pineapple, papaya, yam, green chilies, mint leaves, ripe mangoes, litchis, guavas, cauliflower, cabbage, potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes, and almost all kinds. vegetables

Vitamin C is destroyed by the heat of fire. So it is better to eat vitamin C food raw. Fruits can be eaten raw but vegetables need to be cooked. However, there are some vegetables that can be eaten raw as a salad. For example: green chillies, mint leaves, and tomatoes.

Vitamin C supplements

If you cannot eat enough fruits and vegetables every day to meet the body's need for vitamin C, supplements can be taken, which are available to buy in our country under the names mentioned below. For example Ascobex, Ascorin, C-Rich, C-Lemon, C-Vitera, Ceevit, Nutrivit-C, Vasco, Vita-C, etc.

Vitamin C is available in tablet form that is taken orally. Each piece of vitamin C tablet costs only 2 rupees.

Vitamin C supplements can be taken without a doctor's advice. Take 1 tablet of 250 mg daily. However, those who are in the habit of consuming adequate amounts of vitamin C-rich foods daily should not take vitamin C supplements unnecessarily.

Foods and tips that help with colds

Foods and tips that help with colds

Colds are usually caused by viruses. Anti-viral drugs are needed to destroy the virus, which are not available. Antibiotics have no role in the treatment of viral diseases. So you have to eat various nutritious foods that can play a helpful role in curing cold.

  • Consuming hot soup is beneficial in curing cold symptoms.
  • Drinking green tea will be beneficial. Because it contains a lot of antioxidants. If ginger is added to the tea, the benefits will increase many times. But sugar cannot be added to tea.
  • Foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, will be beneficial. However, you should not eat yogurt that contains a lot of sugar.
  • Eating raw onions and garlic can be beneficial, and drinking plenty of water.

Along with food, some rules must be followed.

  • Rest as much as possible and avoid smoking and drinking.
  • If the cold is stopped in the nose, clean the nose by mixing a little salt in warm water with yolk and soaking a rag in that water.
  • If you have a sore throat, you should gargle with warm water mixed with salt, and avoid allergic items and foods.

Vitamin C plays a helpful role in curing colds by strengthening the body's immune system. However, taking extra supplements is unlikely to provide any particular benefit. So instead of taking supplements in excess, keep enough vitamin C-rich foods on your daily food list.


Vitamin C is versatile for colds and coughs. Scientifically, it holds promise and personal experience adds a layer of real-world perspective. The key lies in maintaining a balanced view, considering expert opinions, and understanding individual needs.

Evidence supporting the positive effects of vitamin C in reducing colds and coughs is compelling. Whether through dietary adjustments or supplements, you need to get vitamin C.


Can Vitamin C Cure Colds?

Vitamin C is not a cure but can help relieve symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold.

Is vitamin C safe for babies?

But dosages should be adjusted based on age, and consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended.

How to get enough vitamin C from food?

A balanced diet can provide adequate vitamin C, but supplements ensure consistent intake.

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