Home Remedies to Remove Kidney Stones – That You Can Do Too

Check out the effective and natural home remedies to remove kidney stones. Learn from expert insight and first-hand experience!

Home Remedies to Remove Kidney Stones

Dealing with kidney stones can be a painful experience, but fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various home remedies to relieve and prevent kidney stones. From dietary adjustments to lifestyle changes, you'll find practical tips to improve your kidney health.

Symptoms of kidney disease

See below for reasons why in severe cases of kidney disease, a doctor should be consulted quickly. Consult a doctor as soon as possible if the following symptoms occur.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen for a long time
  • Persistent fever and chills
  • Feeling sick or nauseated
  • Always painful urination
  • Frequent passing of blood in the urine
  • Foamy and foul-smelling urine

Home Remedies to Remove Kidney Stones

Remember one thing, the kidney is one of the most important organs of your body. The important thing to keep the kidneys healthy is to avoid some bad habits and foods harmful to the kidneys. There are many types of kidney disease, one of the most common of which is kidney stones. Kidney stones are caused by high concentrations of calcium, oxalate, or phosphorus in the urine. This article discusses in detail some home remedies to remove kidney stones.

Drink enough water to flush out kidney stones

Drink enough water to flush out kidney stones

The first way to prevent kidney stones is to drink plenty of water. This is because the concentration of urine must be kept low in order to flush out the waste products that form kidney stones with the urine. For this, a sufficient amount of water should be supplied to the body. An adult should drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily. Also, eating more water-rich foods (such as juices, fruits, and vegetables) will be beneficial.

Lemon juice removes kidney stones

Lemon juice removes kidney stones

Lemon water is an alkaline drink that can play a very beneficial role in cleaning anything, even in cleaning the waste products inside the human body. The citric acid in lemon also inhibits the formation of kidney stones and breaks down small stones if they have already started forming. Citric acid prevents other harmful substances from attaching to small stones and eliminates them before they become dangerous. So, the higher the level of citric acid in the urine, the less likely it is to form kidney stones.

Now let's see what medicines doctors recommend to cure kidney stones. In this case, doctors prescribe potassium citrate as a pharmacological dose of citric acid and it is very effective in treating kidney stones. It requires about 12 tablets per day and is quite expensive.

But did you know that citric acid, which plays such an important role in preventing kidney stones, is found in lemons in the highest amount? Half a cup or 4 ounces of pure lemon juice or 32 ounces of prepared lemon juice or lemonade per day provides the same amount of citric acid as the pharmacological therapy mentioned above.

Drink 2 ounces of lemon juice mixed with 6 ounces of water every morning and evening. This will give you 4 ounces of lemon juice per day. Drinking it regularly for a few days will solve the problem of kidney stones. It is a naturopathic treatment and is endorsed by nephrologists (kidney specialists).

Olive oil is a good remedy for removing kidney stones

Olive oil is a good remedy for removing kidney stones

A very small kidney stone can pass easily with urine. In this case, you can take another special recipe along with drinking enough water to play a supporting role. This recipe is a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil. The citric acid in lemon juice breaks down stones and olive oil has special properties that help pass stones with urine. Mix some lemon juice and an equal amount of olive oil in a small cup. Consume this mixture several times a day to hopefully reap the benefits.

Practice using cider vinegar for kidney health

Practice using cider vinegar for kidney health

Many people may know that apple cider vinegar is very beneficial for the stomach. But its quality is not only limited to this, it has a role in other important functions of the body. The citric acid present in vinegar helps break down kidney stones and remove them from the body. Also, it can prevent kidney stones in healthy people. A 2019 study of 9,000 people found that those who regularly consumed apple cider vinegar were less likely to develop kidney stones.

Apple juice plays an important role in kidney health

Apple juice plays an important role in kidney health

Blending juice directly from apples, such as apple cider vinegar, can also benefit kidney stone removal. For this, you must collect fresh apples and soak them in water for at least 1 hour to remove formalin. Then you can make juice with the help of a blender and drink as much as you want. Regular consumption of apple juice helps in removing kidney stones and plays an important role in maintaining good kidney function for healthy people.

Pomegranate juice is good for kidney stones

Pomegranate juice is good for kidney stones

Pomegranate is considered a very good food for patients. Pomegranate juice has been widely appreciated for ages, especially for kidney health. Antioxidants in it increase kidney function and can play a special role in preventing kidney stones.

It is also believed to help remove toxins and stones from the kidneys. Pomegranate juice can be used as a good diet for kidney stone patients.

However, those taking cholesterol-lowering medications should consult a physician before consuming enough pomegranate juice on a regular basis. According to the American Stroke Association, pomegranate juice may interact with cholesterol-lowering medications.

Tulsi leaves are beneficial for kidney patients

Tulsi leaves are beneficial for kidney patients

The benefits of Tulsi leaves are endless. Home remedies are very important in our country. Mixing fresh tulsi leaves with tea or extracting fresh tulsi leaf juice is considered beneficial for kidney patients. However, it is still not clear how exactly it can remove kidney stones. Hopefully, it is completely safe and accessible. And so it can be safely used as much as desired to remove kidney stones. And since it has herbal properties, benefits can be expected.

Beans are very effective for kidney stones

Beans are very effective for kidney stones

Kidney beans are a very good source of magnesium which reduces the symptoms of kidney stones. It also improves the overall functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. Make a soup or broth using kidney beans and drink it several times throughout the day to reduce stone pain.

There are also certain foods that should be avoided as much as possible for patients with kidney stones, such as excessive tea, coffee, soft drinks or carbonated beverages, alcohol, sugar, salt, fatty foods, etc.


Armed with these effective home remedies and insightful tips, you're on your way to managing and preventing kidney stones naturally. Remember, consistency is key. Adopt a kidney-friendly lifestyle for long-lasting results.

Medical intervention is not always necessary to begin a journey to relieve the discomfort of kidney stones. These home remedies backed by expert insights offer a natural and holistic approach to kidney stone management. Remember to consult a healthcare professional before making important lifestyle changes, and here's to a healthy, stone-free life!


Can kidney stones be passed naturally?

Yes, with the right home remedies and lifestyle changes, kidney stones can often be passed naturally, reducing the need for medical intervention.

How long does a home remedy take to show results?

The effectiveness of home remedies varies, but consistent application and adherence to a healthy lifestyle can show results within weeks.

Is it safe to use these remedies if I have an existing medical condition?

It is very important to consult a healthcare professional before trying any home remedies, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or take medication.

Are these remedies suitable for preventing kidney stones in the future?

Many of the remedies listed are not only effective in dealing with existing stones but also act as preventative measures against future occurrences.

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