How much does diet affect mental health - does it have anything to do with food?

Sometimes it doesn't happen, you don't understand why you feel depressed. But have you ever wondered if it has anything to do with food? And if or how much? How to control the mind with food? Find out in this article.

How much does diet affect mental health

There are various products, workout machines, or gimmicky methods available in the market these days to reduce body weight. But have you thought, this obesity is the evil of eating too much food or the evil of eating excessive, insufficient and malnourished food? Overeating can also be due to malnutrition and overnutrition.

That is, your weight is being controlled by the illusion of your uneven eating habits. And this obesity is affecting your mental health and making your daily normal life harder and harder.

Did you know that the neurons in your brain are constantly responding to billions of stimuli in the body? Neurons are constantly firing in this complex labyrinth of the human body. Then the oil to keep this brain-machine running, i.e. food must be rich in nutrients.

American Psychiatric Officer, Dr. Deborah Fernandez-Turner said, "The food we eat for our bodies affects our mental health". And good health is the prime condition of the best sound mind. So let's take a closer look at some of the foods and nutrients that are beneficial for mental health and how food can support your mental health.

Effects of diet on mental health

A study published by a reliable source found that people who ate more vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fruits, fish, unsaturated fatty acids, and fish oil supplements had less depression. Traditional diets, such as the Mediterranean diet and the traditional Japanese diet, have been shown to have a 25% to 35% lower risk of developing depression compared to a typical Western diet.

This traditional diet is high in vegetables, fruits, grains, fish and especially seafood and low in lean meats and dairy. Whereas the main ingredients of the Western diet are artificially processed, refined foods and ineffective sugars. Most of the natural ingredients in traditional foods are fermented and act as natural probiotics. Therefore, effective digestion and proper absorption of nutrients are not enough in your body. The first and foremost condition for proper absorption of nutrients in your body is the presence of adequate sources of nutrients, which can only be ensured through proper and effective food ingredients.

Links to nutrition and brain function

Links to nutrition and brain function

Brain proteins and enzymes are vital components for enhancing the function of neurons that maintain the connections between your brain cells. Additionally, various foods increase serotonin levels in the brain through enzymes, which can help keep you in a good mood. However, some studies have shown that foods high in saturated fat and processed sugars have very strong negative effects on the brain.

It is also known that eating foods high in sugar can make schizophrenia symptoms worse. A 2017 study of 23,000 people by Nupel ET AI found that long-term mental health is adversely affected by sugar intake through sweetened foods or drinks and that consuming less sugar can lead to better mental health. Let's take a look at the links between your diet and mental health-

Vitamin C should be especially considered. It is particularly effective in older adults (those aged 60 and under) with depression.
It is important to maintain the correct level of zinc in the body. Or you may suffer from complex problems like depression.
Omega 3s will help maintain your mood and improve memory and intellectual development.
B-12 is essential for improving memory, reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease and reducing the rate of brain atrophy.
A deficiency of essential iron can cause problems like anemia and depression in your body.
Proper blood sugar levels must be maintained, or hypoglycemia can lead to fatigue and mood swings.
Mineral salts and water will prevent dehydration of your body, increase your focus on work, maintain mood and give you energy.
You will need the right amount of fat to achieve working strength. Which you can find in foods like olive oil, rapeseed oil, nuts, seeds, oily fish, avocado, milk and eggs.
The vitamins and minerals found in grains, fruits and vegetables will help keep your brain's hormones functioning properly and your body healthy.
Some amount of protein should be added to the food every day. This is because amino acids are the main driving force of your brain and are vital to maintaining your mood.
Caffeine can change your mood. Excess caffeine can cause sleep problems. Caffeine in coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks and chocolate can make you irritable and anxious.

Foods that ensure mental health

Foods that ensure mental health

Nutrient-rich foods are important components of intellectual development, mental health, and neurological function. So, considering the relationship between your diet and mental health, the foods you should consume are-

Colorful vegetables and foods

The nutrients produced in yellow, green or orange-red colored vegetables and fruits are very beneficial for the body and mind. The nutritional value of foods depends on the amount of carotene present in the food. This carotene will ensure proper vitamins and nutrients in your body, ensuring a healthy body and mind.

Fiber or fibrous foods

Plant-based foods are rich in fiber, this low-calorie diet will help keep your body hydrated, lose weight, block fat storage, and prevent constipation.


Mangoes, pineapples, grapes, corn, red flour, almond oil, berries, green vegetables, olives, dates, vegetable oils, broccoli, walnuts, cow's milk, eggs, salmon, spices, turmeric, black cumin, various seeds, omega- 3 Fatty acid-rich foods are rich in antioxidants. It plays an important role in maintaining memory. Dark chocolate is also rich in antioxidants, but it is also low in sugar. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful about eating a certain amount of dark chocolate.

Vitamin D

The vitamin D you need helps produce serotonin and is usually obtained directly from sunlight. However, mushrooms are currently another good source of vitamin D. There are other sources as well.


The mineral magnesium helps build nerves and muscles and keeps the heart healthy. Moreover, this mineral is essential for maintaining your mood. A variety of natural foods such as almonds and cashews, spinach and other leafy greens, bananas and beans are rich in magnesium.

Fermentation or fermented foods

Fermented foods such as ghee, yogurt, jelly, bread, salty hilsa, yogurt, apple cider vinegar, lachi, or probiotic-rich foods, which are rich in specific live bacteria. Consuming these bacteria is healthy to improve your digestive system. But Panta Bhaat, especially known in rural Bengal of Bangladesh, is one of the most delicious and readily available Ghajan dishes.

Gut function in mental health protection

Gut function in mental health protection

Serotonin, a hormone that is present in the brain from birth to death and is essential for the brain, functions in the formation of the nervous system. Do you know what the serotonin hormone does in your brain? It is a neurotransmitter, also known as the happy hormone. This serotonin-

  • Regulates sleep and appetite.
  • Helps create a sense of joy.
  • Reduces various mental anxieties, stress and fears.
  • Keeps the mood cheerful.
  • Helps in memory retention.
  • Helps digest food in the digestive system.
  • Maintains mouthfeel.
  • Helps reduce the sensation of pain.

About 90 percent of your body's serotonin hormone is produced in the stomach's gastrointestinal tract. Similarly, the gastrointestinal tract is connected to 10,000 billion nerve cells or neurons. In other words, your digestive system not only helps in the internal digestion of food but also regulates your emotions and feelings. Because your body's neuron function and serotonin hormone production are influenced by the billions of beneficial bacteria that make up the gut microbiome. These bacteria promote health-

  • Builds a strong defense system against toxins and harmful bacteria.
  • Helps heal various types of inflammation in the body.
  • Helps in the proper and effective absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Helps in neural stimulation.

Last word

The president of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research (Felice Jacka) said.

A healthy and balanced diet will protect your health, but unhealthy eating habits can lead to a variety of mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.

However, a daily nutritious diet cannot be a substitute for medication for your mental health problems. If you are taking medication for a mental health problem and want to focus on a nutritious diet as well, you should consult with your doctor about a balanced diet of nutrient-dense foods and medications.


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