Child mental illness: Know the symptoms

Know the brief signs and symptoms of mental illness in children. Learn how to recognize these indicators to support your child's emotional well-being.

Child mental illness

If children have severe changes in learning patterns, behavior and emotion regulation, they may have a mental illness. Let's know what mental illness children can have and how to recognize it.

Are you aware of the child's mental illness?

Raising children is always a challenging task for parents. Even under the best of circumstances, their behavior and emotions can change frequently and rapidly. All children are generally sad, anxious, irritable, or aggressive at times. They also sometimes find it difficult to sit still, concentrate, or interact with others. In most cases, these are just normal developmental stages.

However, such behaviors can become serious problems in some children. As a result, parents are very worried and scared. But instead of being afraid of it, it is necessary to arrange proper treatment of the child. Physical and mental problems are almost similar to health problems. If proper treatment is provided, your child can lead a healthy and normal life. Let's learn more about children's mental health in today's article.

Why is the child's mental health disrupted?

Basically, mental problems or diseases occur in children due to various reasons. According to them, the notable ones are:

  • Family problems or problems in the family
  • Genetic or hereditary
  • Any physical illness
  • Toxic parenting or abusive parenting
  • social environment
  • Any kind of unexpected accident

Therefore, if any unusual behavior is observed in your child, you must take him to a psychiatrist or a psychiatrist.

How do you know if your child has mental problems?

What are the symptoms of mental illness in children? Warning signs that your child may have a mental health disorder include:

  • Sometimes the child has low intelligence and behaves abnormally
  • Always absent-minded and prone to forgetfulness
  • In many cases, age-related behavior is seen, as unacceptable and negative. In this case, the child with mental illness behaves differently and abnormally from the children of the same age.
  • Suffers from depression or lethargy most of the day
  • Persistent pain or suffering that lasts two weeks or more
  • Withdrawal or avoidance of social relationships
  • Children learn to speak very late and may not behave appropriately for their age
  • Hurting yourself or talking about hurting yourself
  • Talking about death or suicide
  • Extreme annoyance
  • Out-of-control behavior that can be harmful
  • Sudden changes in mood, behavior or personality
  • Children are extra naughty and create unwanted annoying situations
  • Dietary changes
  • Weight loss
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Frequent headaches or stomachaches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Changes in academic performance
  • Avoiding or missing school
  • Is overly emotional and cannot control his emotions most of the time.

Children can have mental disorders

Children can have mental disorders

Children can suffer from a variety of mental disorders such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, conduct disorder, short-term memory loss, kleptomania and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Let's know more about this mental problem in children.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Another name for it is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In this case, there are abnormalities in the structure and development of the nervous system. Symptoms of this disease usually appear within a period of one and a half to three years. A child with autism has difficulty developing normally, has poor social behavior, and is less able to communicate. Autism causes limited speech, gestures and behavior and in many cases, the child also has less mental and language skills. In many cases, physical problems such as deafness, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, etc. may occur among people with autism.

  • According to the World Health Organization, 1 in every 160 children has autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • Boys are 3-4 times more likely to develop autism than girls.
  • However, about 40% of children with autism do not speak. About 25%–30% of children with autism have some words between 12 and 18 months of age and lose them later. Others may be able to speak, but may no longer be able to after childhood.

So seek medical attention as soon as you notice the symptoms.

Hyperactivity disorder

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a mental disorder in children. Children with this disorder tend to behave antisocially and chaotically. In this case, they do a lot of mischief, vandalize things, make their own rules in the game and force others to follow them. They even become uninterested in studies, don't want to follow routines, and cry, rage and scream for no reason.

Specialist doctors have not been able to find any specific reason for this ADHD. However, it is thought to be due to less activity of neurotransmitters in the brain. Because of this, the brain cannot receive the correct information and due to this children cannot differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong, etc. And as a result of which their behavior becomes visible and unacceptable. Also, in many cases, genetic, environmental factors, and various stressors can lead to the development of ADHD.


Dyslexia hinders children's learning. Basically, due to this disease, the child has difficulty in reading and writing. In this they see the letters of the book moving randomly or upside down. Usually, a permanent form of what we hear or see remains in the brain and thus we can understand or remember it. But people with dyslexia don't have that ability and because of that, they can't recognize letters properly. Sometimes they don't even understand the class teachers that way. And if they are asked many questions at once, they get confused and do not understand anything. People with dyslexia are often shy, clumsy, self-absorbed, and unsociable. Also, they cannot express their thoughts properly or say anything properly.

Conduct disorder

Conduct disorder is a behavioral problem. And which occurs among children or teenagers. Usually, children's increasingly aggressive behavior or disobedience is called a conduct disorder. In that case, if your child has a long history of lying, disobeying rules, and aggressive and destructive behavior, then understand that he is suffering from a conduct disorder and needs proper treatment. Basically, the real cause of this conduct disorder is still unknown. However, this disease can be caused by some factors such as genetic factors, excessive harshness, vindictiveness, excessive affection, physical-mental abuse, witnessing violent behavior, side effects of diseases, environmental factors, etc.


People with kleptomania like to steal. People with this disease steal without any motive. In that case, they suffer from a lot of discomfort if they cannot steal. If you can steal again, you suffer from complacency. No clear cause of this kleptomania disease has been found. However, according to researchers, this problem can occur if the level of serotonin in the brain is too low. It can also be a result of behavioral and conceptual evolution during a person's growing up period. In that case, there is nothing to worry about the child's tendency to kleptomania. Because kleptomania can be prevented only by paying more attention to your child and taking proper care of him.

Oppositional defiant disorder

Usually, if a child behaves angrily, argues and shows vindictiveness, he is diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). In this case, the other symptoms that occur in children are - not obeying social norms, telling lies, showing extra insistence, sneaking other people's things, running away from school, disobeying elders, etc. Even children with this disorder stick to their own words and make stubborn arguments. But if children affected by this disease are brought under proper treatment on time, they can live a healthy and normal life.

Short-term memory loss

People's tendency to forget is called short-term memory loss or amnesia. In this case, affected children temporarily forget any information and cannot remember it despite many efforts. Basically, our brain is controlled by many neurons. Remembering memory is also a process in this case. Therefore, if there is a temporary or long-term complication in any of these specific processes, amnesia occurs. Sometimes excessive stress, irregular sleep, ADHD, medication, dyslexia, head injury, brain hemorrhage, brain tumor, etc. can also cause short-term memory loss or hallucination.

How to take care of a child's mental health

Don't panic if your child develops these mental illnesses as they grow up. Because at present there is a good treatment system for children's mental disorders. Through modern and effective treatment, the child can live a healthy, normal and beautiful life. In that case, with proper treatment from psychiatrists and clinical psychologists and your support, the child's path will be smooth. Also, things to follow to prevent mental illness in your child-

  • Psychiatrist should follow the doctor's advice
  • Regular counseling should be done
  • Medicines should be taken regularly every day
  • Be friendly with the child
  • The child should be fed nutritious and balanced food
  • Exercise should be encouraged
  • Make sure the baby is getting enough sleep regularly
  • Allow to play sports with friends
  • Understanding the interests of the child, he should be encouraged to do various activities
  • Focus on religious work
  • A good job should be appreciated
  • Live according to routine should be encouraged
  • The mental development of the child should be allowed to do various creative work
  • If the child does something wrong, explain it without scolding
  • Medicines cannot be stopped without a doctor's advice

If your child develops mental illness, don't panic at all. Remember that mental health problems in children are just like any other physical illness. In that case, stay by your child's side and arrange for proper treatment. Because with the proper treatment of psychiatric doctors and clinical psychologists, your child will become healthy and normal!


Awareness and support are paramount in dealing with a child's mental illness. By recognizing symptoms, dispelling myths, and fostering a supportive environment, we can pave the way for a healthier future generation.

Active awareness and open communication are our greatest allies in uncovering the symptoms of "What Are the Symptoms of Mental Illness in Children". By fostering an environment that values emotional well-being, we empower children to navigate the complexities of their emotions. Remember, early intervention and support can make a significant difference in a child's journey to mental health.


Can mental illness in children be prevented?

While not all mental health challenges can be prevented, fostering a supportive environment, open communication, and early intervention can significantly reduce the risk.

Are there age-specific symptoms to be aware of?

The manifestation of mental health symptoms can vary with age. It's essential to be attuned to age-appropriate behaviors and seek guidance when in doubt.

Is it normal for children to experience stress?

Some stress is a part of growing up. However, persistent and overwhelming stress may warrant attention and further exploration.

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