How to use a diabetes measuring machine safely - learn the correct use

Using a glucometer to test and monitor blood sugar is a daily part of life for millions of Bangladeshis with diabetes. But if you don't know its proper use, there is danger. So stay tuned to learn how to use a glucometer and test strips safely.

How to use diabetes measuring machine safely

According to a survey conducted by the Diabetic Association in 2019, 25.6 percent of people in the country are suffering from diabetes. Most of them use glucometers.

However, before knowing about the use of diabetes measuring machines or glucometer, do not know some general concepts about diabetes.

How is diabetes?

Before understanding how diabetes occurs, we need to understand how sugar or glucose works in our body. Behind our stomach is a gland called the pancreas. The function of this pancreas is to release the hormone insulin. This hormone insulin moves sugar from the bloodstream into the cells.

Carbohydrates are converted into energy in cells which are used immediately or stored for future use. When the pancreas cannot produce enough of the hormone insulin, our blood sugar levels rise. This is called diabetes.

How many types of diabetes are there?

How many types of diabetes are there
There are 5 types of diabetes commonly seen:

Type 1 diabetes

Insulin is not produced in this type of diabetes. It is more common in children, teenagers, and young adults.

Type 2 diabetes

It is the most common type of diabetes. Between 90 and 95 percent of all diabetics have type 2 diabetes. As a result of this disease, the body prevents insulin from working. When insulin does not work, blood glucose levels rise at an abnormal rate.

Gestational diabetes

It is a special type of diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy. During this time, the placenta produces hormones for the development of the fetus. Sometimes these hormones block the action of insulin in the mother's body.

Monogenic diabetes

This diabetes is very rare. Basically, this diabetes occurs as a result of the mutation of a gene. Its prevalence is high among young people.

Type B insulin resistance

It is the rarest type of diabetes. It is basically a type of autoimmune disorder.

Types of Diabetes Tests

A person's blood glucose level is tested to know if they have diabetes. These tests can be done in three ways.

  • PPBS or PPBS (postprandial blood sugar) test – done 2 hours after eating.
  • FBS or FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) Test – done in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • RBS or RBS (Random Blood Sugar) Test – can be done anytime on an empty/full stomach.

Earlier there was no other option but to resort to diagnostic centers to get these tests done. However, due to the advancement of science, these tests can be done easily and at a very low cost at home with the help of a glucometer.

How does a glucometer work?

A glucometer is a device for measuring blood glucose levels. A glucometer kit consists of several parts such as:

  • Glucometer device
  • Lancet
  • Lancing Pen
  • Glucometer strips
  • Battery etc.

Follow the steps below to simply measure blood glucose with a glucometer:

  • Remove a strip from the test strip vial.
  • Insert the strip into the metering device.
  • Insert the lancet or needle into the lancing pen.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap or wipe with an alcohol solution. Allow to dry thoroughly before using the solution.
  • Now make a hole in the tip of the finger with the lancing pen so that a drop of blood can come out.
  • Apply a drop of blood to the tip of the test strip and wait for a reading.

According to the American Diabetes Association, a pre-meal glucose level of 4.4-7.2 mmol/L is normal for a person with diabetes. The normal level in a postprandial test is less than 10 mmol/liter.

Caution in the use of diabetes test strips!

Diabetes test precautions

The following points should be taken into account when using test strips:

  • Do not test with unclean hands.
  • Do not test immediately after eating.
  • Don't squeeze your finger to draw blood unless absolutely necessary.
  • Do not use expired strips.
  • Do not use any strip other than the one intended for use with your glucometer.
  • Consult a doctor for any problem.

If not controlled, diabetes can become a very serious disease. Even death as a result is not uncommon. But the good news is that diabetes can be largely controlled through diet, exercise, and medication. That's why it's so important to be able to accurately measure glucose levels. And proper use of a glucometer can make your life easier and smoother.


Mastering the art of using a diabetes monitor enables you to safely and effectively manage your health. By following these guidelines, you not only ensure proper results but also develop a routine that supports your well-being. Embrace the power of knowledge and take charge of your diabetes management journey.


How often should I measure my blood sugar?

Regular monitoring is recommended with a frequency determined by your healthcare provider based on your specific needs.

Can I share my device with others?

Sharing is not recommended due to the risk of contamination and misreading. Each person should use their designated device.

Are there alternatives to measuring diabetes?

Although finger tearing is common, alternative sites such as the arm or thigh may be used. Consult your healthcare provider for guidance.

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