How to get the right amount of nutrition from eggs

Health Tips and Tricks: Learn the Secret to Getting the Best Nutrition from Eggs! Check out delicious egg ways to include in your daily diet.

How to get nutrition from eggs

Eggs, a nutritional powerhouse, have long been a staple in our diet. But are you really harnessing their full potential? In this comprehensive guide, we look at the art of extracting the right amount of nutrients from eggs. From dispelling myths to providing mouth-watering recipes, this article makes sure you can use this dietary gem.

Eggs are an easily available, tasty, and nutritious food. But are we getting the right and necessary nutrients from eggs? How many eggs to eat a day, when to eat, how to cook, and how to store eggs, we will know from today's article that we will be able to fully understand the effectiveness of eggs.

How many eggs should be eaten in a day?

Eggs are one of the foods that are naturally rich in nutrients. So most doctors recommend keeping eggs in a daily diet.

In 2007, the British Heart Foundation published the information that 3-12 eggs per week and even more are not harmful to the body.

Egg yolks are high in cholesterol. A typical egg yolk contains 186 milligrams of cholesterol, which fulfills 62 percent of our daily cholesterol intake.

According to researchers in the United States, 70% of 100% of people eat 2-3 eggs daily and do not experience any harm, but the remaining 30% of people who are suffering from high blood pressure, sugar, and kidney problems are seen to cause harm.

Eggs are high protein and vitamin-rich foods, so healthy people have no reason to fear eating more eggs. But since we also get a lot of protein from other foods on a daily basis, it is often more than what the body needs. Excess protein can put stress on our kidneys. Again, the fat (saturated fat) we consume with eggs can increase harmful cholesterol. So doctors recommend eating one or two eggs a day for good health.

When to eat eggs

When to eat eggs

Eggs are a food that is rich in nutrients and delicious. Eggs can be cooked in a variety of delicious ways. However, if eggs are eaten at the right time and according to the rules, their benefits can increase manifold.

At breakfast

Eggs for breakfast can be an ideal balanced meal for you. High-protein foods that can be prepared in less time are suitable for breakfast. A high-protein breakfast in the morning will keep you full for longer, which will help you stay focused throughout the day.

After exercise or a workout

Eggs are an ideal food for post-workout hunger as they are high in protein and rich in vitamins, which provide satiety and help build muscle. And, can deliver power instantaneously.

When eating eggs, many people eat raw salt sprinkled on boiled eggs, if you refrain from doing this, the risk of heart disease is greatly reduced.

How to cook eggs

How to cook eggs

The easiest, most nutritious, and healthiest way to cook eggs is to boil them or poach them in water. We eat poach and boiled, omelets according to our preferences, but their qualities become less and more depending on the cooking method.

Boiled eggs

Egg whites are proteins that are easily digested when boiled or poached. The 'vitamin A' and antioxidants of egg yolks boiled for too long are reduced by 15 to 20 percent. Therefore, it is best to consume partially boiled or poached eggs in boiling water.

Those who want to maintain weight and lose weight should eat boiled eggs. Those who have blood pressure problems can also eat boiled eggs.

Egg poach

Poached eggs contain more calories than boiled eggs due to frying in oil. Those who want to maintain a healthy weight should not eat poached eggs. Blood pressure patients should avoid consuming it. Poached eggs are best for babies. Because poached eggs have more quality than boiled eggs.

Five Healthy Ways to Cook Eggs

Choose a low-calorie cooking method. Cook poached eggs in water or without any saturated fat.

Mix and cook with several types of vegetables. By doing this, the quality of vegetables will increase, as well as the quality of eggs will be completely maintained.

Cook eggs in low-cholesterol fat. Like with sunflower oil/extra virgin olive oil/avocado oil.

It is best to cook between 410°F (210°C) and 350°F (177°C). Cooking in this way preserves the full quality of the egg.

Never cook eggs at high temperatures. Try to cook eggs at the right temperature and without the added saturated fat.

If you cook eggs at high temperatures, especially for extended periods of time, nutrients may be lost and some of the egg's healthful properties may be lost. Because high heat can oxidize cholesterol.

What are the harmful aspects of eggs?

What are the harmful aspects of eggs

Experts say there is no fear of harm if you eat more eggs. However, if you want to get the full benefits of eggs and avoid the harmful side, you have to eat them in a healthy way.

Salmonella in eggs: According to British researchers, eggs are the source of salmonella bacteria. In the 1980s, after the discovery of salmonella in eggs, there was a lot of fear about eating eggs in Britain, even the information that eating eggs was harmful to the body was spread. After research in the 1990s, it was found that although raw eggs contain these bacteria, they are not active after cooking the eggs at the right temperature. So raw eggs are harmful to the body but if consumed properly it does not cause any harm.

  • Researchers suggest that eating 3-12 eggs per week is best, not more than that. Eating more of it is harmful to the body.
  • Many people think that raw eggs are good for the body, but this is completely wrong - raw eggs are extremely harmful to the human body. Salmonella and typhoid bacteria are present in raw eggs. Boiling eggs inactivates this bacteria.
  • Patients with excess fat in blood and high blood pressure should be careful about eating eggs, for them eggs without yolk and boiled eggs are beneficial.
  • Many studies have shown that eating eggs at night can cause insomnia.
  • People with gastroesophageal reflux disease should avoid eating eggs at night.

How to store eggs?

How to store eggs

The best way to store eggs is to keep them in the refrigerator. Store in an egg carton in the refrigerator. Egg whites are good for up to three weeks if stored in a box. It will keep good for up to three months if refrozen.

Avoid buying cracked and broken eggs while buying eggs, even small cracks can be contagious.

An easy way to check if eggs are good is to test them by dropping them in water. If it floats after placing in water, then the egg is good and if it floats later, it is not usable.

Most of the time, it is better to use the eggs by looking at the date on which the eggs should be used. But usually, it is good till 28 days after egg laying.


Mastering the art of getting the right amount of nutrition from eggs opens up a world of health benefits. From dispelling egg myths to providing practical tips, this guide equips you to make informed choices and savor the nutritional richness of eggs.


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