When to Start Introducing Ghee to Your Baby's Diet

When to start ghee in baby diet

Baby food should not be given any food other than the mother's breast milk till 6 months. Ghee is one of the nutritious foods that should be included in a baby's diet after 6 months. There are many nutritional benefits of ghee in the development of the child. The benefits of ghee in baby food are not available from other foods. But in our country, the practice of feeding ghee to children is not seen much.

But by not giving ghee to your beloved child, aren't you creating any obstacles in his development? Know the quality of ghee in baby food, when to feed baby ghee, and how much to feed.

Ghee with baby food

Ghee is the component of butter which is mostly milk. Ghee is made from cow, buffalo, and goat milk. About 99% of which is milk content. Just as milk has many nutritional properties, so does ghee. Ghee contains vitamin-A, Vitamin-D, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-K, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Omega-Three Fatty Acids, Omega-Nine, Lipids, Proteins, Good Calories, and Health Benefits from Milk Fats and antioxidants.

These nutrients play a major role in the development of the child. If you want to give these essential nutrients to your baby, you must include ghee in his food.

Not only in baby food, ghee has been used in various ways since ancient times. Ghee has a reputation for various uses including enhancing the taste of food, body massage, and treatment of diseases.

Ghee is a food that helps in the full development of the baby. Don't skip feeding the baby the food with so many nutrients. But you must eat according to the rules. You will know that rule a little later.

Know the benefits of ghee in baby food

Know the benefits of ghee in baby food

Due to the young age, the immune system of the small body of the child is weak compared to others. Due to this children get affected by various diseases. Which is a concern for both parents and children. Every parent should do some things to increase the child's immune system. Ghee can be an ideal medium to facilitate that task.

Benefits of ghee for baby:

Boosting the child's immune system

Cow's milk ghee is more beneficial than other milks. Because it contains lipids and proteins that directly increase the body's immune system. Also contains various vitamins and minerals. As a result, your baby's liver is protected from various diseases. And slowly his immune system becomes stronger.

Forms the bones of children

For a baby with soft bones to grow, the structure of the bones in his body must also be strong. Ghee contains vitamin-D and calcium which is very effective in bone formation.

Develops the baby's brain

A baby's brain begins to form in the first year after birth. Vitamins, omega-three fatty acids, and fats are essential elements in the formation of the brain. These ingredients are found in ghee. As a result, it helps in the intellectual development of the child.

Increases baby weight

Find out how much a baby should weigh and at what age. If the baby's weight is not proportionate to the age, give the baby ghee with other food. Ghee is effective for rapid weight gain. Because it contains fat, vitamins, omega-3. Fats are effective ingredients for weight gain.

Keeps baby's stomach healthy

A baby's stomach is weak and small. Not all food can fit in this small stomach. Due to this, it can be seen that after a few days, the child is suffering from a stomach ailment. Put ghee in his food to avoid this condition. Lipids and omega-three fatty acids are very effective in protecting the digestive system, intestines, and stomach. Which you will find in ghee.

Helps stop cough in babies

It is often seen that many children are coughing and wheezing with a dry cough. which is difficult for the child. Give him ghee regularly to relieve him of this pain. Within a few days, his pain will ease.

Useful for massaging

During the growing period, the child learns to crawl and walk. If the bones are not properly strong and strong, it can cause harmful conditions in the baby's movements. Ghee massaged on the body is also good for bones in addition to feeding to increase the strength and flexibility of the bones.

Keeps the baby free from infection

Those who have a strong immune system, never easily fall into any disease or infection. Since ghee works to improve immunity, it also plays a role in keeping the baby away from other diseases.

Keeps baby's skin healthy

Due to the presence of Omega-3, healthy fats, and some antioxidants, skin problems like acne, rashes, and skin rashes are kept away from the baby's skin. Skin becomes soft, supple, and smooth.

Normalizes the baby's hormones

If the hormones are not secreted properly, abnormal levels of hormones will adversely affect the physical and mental growth of the child. Various important components present in ghee maintain the normal functioning of hormones.

Helps increase baby's strength

Ghee provides good quality calories along with nutrients. Which will make the child stronger and stronger.

When can the baby be fed ghee

When can the baby be fed ghee

Switching to other foods before the age of 6 months is not recommended. In addition to the mother's breast milk when the child is over 6 months old

He should be given other food. Give ghee since then. Keep ghee regularly on the baby's food list from 7 or 8 months.

How much ghee can a child be fed

There is no fixed amount. Since this is the growing age of the baby, there is no harm in feeding a little more variety of nutritious foods. But do not overfeed. If I say the right amount, give 2-3 drops of ghee daily to a 7 or 8-month-old baby. But increase the amount as you get older. After 1 year, you can give 1 spoon every day. Do not give more than 2 teaspoons a day before the age of 2 years.

How to feed baby ghee

How to feed baby ghee

If the baby does not want to eat directly from a spoon, then add a few drops of ghee to that food while giving other foods.

Get completely safe food made with ghee for your baby from us. Keeping baby care in mind, we prepare homemade food with the utmost care, from which it is possible to easily meet the nutritional needs of the baby.

The problems that can be caused to the baby by eating ghee-

  • Weight gain may occur. Since ghee is good for weight gain, consuming too much of it can make a child overweight for their age.
  • Since it contains milk as it is made from milk, consuming too much ghee can lead to digestive complications.
  • If ghee made with artificial milk without pure milk is fed, the nutritional value of real ghee will not be available. Chemicals in artificial milk can cause various physical problems.


We always care about the baby. Sensing the need for ghee in baby food, we make nutritious food with ghee. So you can safely buy baby food from us. Be careful with baby food, keep the baby well!


How much ghee should be eaten every day?

Make sure you get around 3-6 tsp of ghee per day/person. The point is that ghee enhances the taste of food and doesn't mask it, he points out while mentioning that a teaspoon of ghee is good for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

From how many months can children be fed ghee?

Many people give ghee to baby's food before 6 months. But at such a young age, children have a little problem with digestion, so it is better to give it from the age of at least 6 months.

Which ghee is better to gain weight?

Buffalo ghee is a calorie-dense ingredient. It contains enough saturated fat that provide energy to our body and increases muscle mass. If you are looking for a healthy weight gain diet, adding moderate amounts of buffalo ghee to your diet is a smart choice.

Is it harmful for children to eat more ghee?

Ghee is rich in nutrients and it is essential to include it in your baby's diet. But, too much of anything is bad, and so is ghee. Excess ghee for children can harm their health.

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