Why should I eat almonds and what are its benefits?

The incredible benefits of eating nuts and how nutrition can change health. Learn about the myriad benefits, from heart health to glowing skin.

Why should I eat almonds and what are its benefits

Regular consumption of almonds has many benefits. Important benefits like diabetes, heart disease, weight loss, and gain are available from almonds. Although almonds are a beneficial food, they also have some negative aspects. All foods have limits up to a certain amount. If that limit is exceeded, the food becomes harmful instead of beneficial. Nuts should be consumed after knowing their benefits and harms.

How many types of nuts are there?

Many types of almonds come to mind when talking about how many types of almonds there are, but generally, there are four types of almonds. Wood Nuts, Chinese Nuts, Pistachio Nuts, Cashew Nuts. There are also many types of nuts available which are rich in different vitamins and proteins and also have different tastes.

Nutritional value of almonds

Nutritional value of almonds

Almond is a seed grain. There are many types of nuts in the world. Peanuts, cashew nuts, walnuts, pistachio nuts, Brazilian nuts, and hazelnuts are more common. All types of nuts are good for everyone.

Nuts are high in calories, healthy fats, omega-three fatty acids, omega-six, protein, healthy carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin E, copper, calcium, selenium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, folic acid, phytic acid, and manganese—more various minerals and antioxidants.

These food elements are necessary for everyone's body. Regular consumption of nuts can make up for the deficiency of these nutrients. It also has various health benefits.

Depending on the nuts' species, different nuts contain more or less nutrients. For example, while most nuts are high in omega-6, walnuts are high in omega-3.

Benefits and harms of almonds

Benefits and harms of almonds

The benefits and harms of almonds are discussed separately for ease of understanding.

Benefits of Almonds

Eating in moderation is very important. Everything has its dimensions. The same goes for almonds. Eating a limited amount of nuts regularly has many health benefits, big and small. Almonds have many other benefits including strengthening the body's immune system.

Prevention of anemia

Nuts contain elements like copper, and iron which are useful for blood production in the body. Copper and iron keep the body free from anemia by increasing the number of red blood cells in the body by producing enough blood. So by eating almonds, you can easily get this important benefit for your body.

Strengthens bones

Calcium plays a role in the formation of teeth and bones. Apart from this zinc, phosphorus is also useful for teeth and bones. These elements are easily obtained from nuts. Apart from this, these ingredients are effective in keeping away from various dental and bone problems. Include a variety of nut and nut-based foods in young children's diets. It will play an effective role in the formation of children's teeth and bones.

Keeps skin healthy

Almonds contain powerful antioxidants that work to protect skin health. Antioxidants keep the skin free from aging. People who are not very old but have signs of aging on their faces can keep their skin fresh and vibrant by eating almonds regularly.

Controls blood pressure and cholesterol

Being a healthy fat, it does not cause any problem with blood pressure and does not increase the level of bad cholesterol. As a result, the risk of high blood pressure and bad cholesterol can be avoided. Pistachio nuts are more effective in controlling cholesterol than other nuts.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Nuts contain healthy fats, omega-three, and omega-six. Which is a very useful material for the heart. These help in normal blood supply to the heart. As blood pressure and cholesterol are controlled, the risk of heart disease is also reduced.

Keeps diabetes under control

The risk of heart attack and diabetes is high due to metabolic problems i.e. metabolic syndrome. Almonds play a role in keeping diabetes under control as they are low in carbohydrates and keep cholesterol under control. Pistachio nuts have proved to be more beneficial in this regard.

Cancer prevention

Phytic and folic acid contribute effectively to cancer prevention by fighting the cells responsible for cancer. The deficiency of these two elements can easily be met with almonds.

Helpful in weight loss and gain

Those who want to gain weight should eat more than a handful of almonds regularly. Almonds are very helpful in weight gain as they are high in calories. If babies do not gain weight properly, feed them nuts regularly. The baby will gain weight in a few days.

But those who want to lose weight should eat nuts in limited quantities. Consuming it in limited amounts will also help in weight loss. Because almonds contain omega-3 fatty acids that help in weight loss.

Maintains good intestinal health

If the intestines are not good, one has to suffer from various stomach problems. Fiber, which is found in nuts, is essential for the intestines and digestive system.

Prevents inflammation

Nuts containing omega-3 fatty acids and various antioxidants can play an important role in preventing various inflammations in the body. Delayed healing of an injury allows harmful bacteria to multiply and the disease becomes more complicated. Nuts keep the body free from this complication.

In brain development

Vitamin E, omega-three fatty acids, and protein are essential for brain development. Eating almonds regularly will benefit the brain health of the child.

Almonds are a very useful food to improve the immunity of the body through these benefits.

Bad effects of almonds

Bad effects of almonds

A daily intake of 40-50 grams of almonds is considered a normal limit. If you play more than that, it becomes excessive. No food is beneficial in excess, including nuts.

Some of the notable side effects of eating too much almonds are:

  • Cashew nuts contain hydrocyanic acid. Which can cause breathing problems if taken in excess.
  • Brazil nuts contain selenium, which can cause mental health problems in excess.
  • Walnuts contain omega-3. Eating too much of it can cause an imbalance of omega-three and omega-six in the body and cause various inflammations in the body.
  • Any type of nut, eating too much can lead to stomach ailments like loose stools, dysentery, and diarrhea.
  • Nuts may be inconvenient for those with allergies. Because there may be some ingredients in almonds that trigger allergies.

Are raw almonds or roasted almonds better?

Nutrients can be taken directly from raw nuts. And if fried, the quality decreases. And almond oil does not contain fiber.

How to eat almonds?

Eat raw almonds a day. But wash well and eat. Eat roasted almonds on another day. Or you can eat regular fried almonds. Eating roasted nuts is more common. Even if you eat roasted almonds, the benefits of almonds will remain the same. Only some nutrients will be reduced. You can eat almond oil with salad, and curries every day.

Finally conclusion

Adults also eat almonds regularly and feed them to children too. Feeding nuts directly to small children can cause them to stick in their throats. Feed almonds to children and make them soft. The benefits of almonds can be found in the baby by feeding different foods made of almonds.


Which nut has more calories?

Macadamia nuts and pecans are among the highest-calorie nuts, with 204 calories and 196 calories per 1-ounce (oz) serving, respectively. Almond butter can be a good alternative for those who don't like nuts. There are 94.4 calories per 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) serving of peanut butter.

How much almonds should be eaten every day?

Almonds are the tree nuts that are highest in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin, and niacin. Just remember 1-2-3. One ounce of nuts, or about 25 nuts, is the daily portion recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

What happens if you eat three nuts a day?

Increasing levels of vitamin E in your bloodstream creates antioxidants that prevent your cells from making cholesterol. Thus eating a handful of almonds every day can produce more vitamin E in your bloodstream and it can also protect you from the risk of developing cholesterol.

Are raw almonds or roasted almonds better?

Because raw nuts are not roasted, they contain more nutrients than roasted ones, especially vitamin E and antioxidants. Although raw nuts may not have the satisfying crunch or full flavor of roasted nuts, they will have less sodium and fewer free radicals.

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