Red Cabbage: Benefits And Harm

Benefits of red cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable of the Brassica family with two main varieties. For example: green cabbage and red cabbage. Green cabbage is generally eaten by everyone but red cabbage is not so much. But you will be surprised to know that red cabbage is comparatively more nutritious.

This article discusses the benefits of eating red cabbage in detail. Also at the end of the paragraph you will learn about a special recipe for red cabbage.

Benefits of Red Cabbage

Benefits of Red Cabbage

Although there is no difference in taste between the two types of cabbage in terms of color or color, red cabbage is the best in terms of nutritional value. It contains a variety of nutrients. For example, carbohydrates, fiber, small amounts of protein, vitamins A, C, and K, thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc. In addition, it contains a special ingredient called sulforaphane which reduces the risk of heart disease and helps to stay healthy by fighting cancer. Other benefits of consuming red cabbage regularly are:

Prevents premature aging

Red cabbage is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, etc., which brighten the skin and make you look younger and healthier. Its anti-inflammatory properties prevent aging on the skin. You can also get benefits by beating its leaves or making a paste with the help of a blender to remove skin irritation.

Ways to lose excess weight

Red cabbage is high in nutrients, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. As a result, once taken, the stomach remains full for a long time, thereby eliminating the need for frequent meals.

Eliminates digestive problems

Red cabbage is rich in fiber which helps a lot in digestion. Also, by eating this vegetable regularly, various diseases of the digestive system are cured. For example: Crohn's disease, IBS (IBS-irritable bowel syndrome), ulcerative colitis, etc.

Increases the immune system of the body

Red cabbage contains vitamin C which helps in the production of white blood cells and these white blood cells fight against bacterial infections and diseases in your body. As a result, the body is not easily attacked by pathogens.

Helps keep the heart healthy

Red cabbage contains 36 types of anthocyanins, which reduce the risk of heart disease, including high blood pressure. Studies have shown that people who regularly consume foods rich in anthocyanins have a maximum 32 percent lower risk of heart attack. Also, its anti-inflammatory properties do not increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Prevents cancer

Although cabbage is very readily available and cheap, it contains certain nutrients that play a special role in preventing various types of cancer. Such as lung, breast cancer and colon cancer. Behind its anti-cancer properties are phytochemicals called antioxidants that neutralize or destroy cancer-causing free radicals.

Maintains good eye health

Vitamin A is very important for eye health. The large amount of 'Vitamin A' contained in the red cabbage keeps the overall eye health good including preventing night blindness.

Helps in bone growth and development

Red cabbage contains high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, and small amounts of calcium, manganese, zinc, etc., which help maintain good bone health. That is, it maintains bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Prevents Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's is a complex disease of the brain that causes loss of memory and thinking. Red cabbage can prevent this disease because it contains anthocyanin, a substance that reduces the risk of plaque formation in the body, which is responsible for Alzheimer's disease.

Disadvantages of red cabbage

Disadvantages of red cabbage

Cabbage is a very safe and healthy food with almost no side effects. However, it is important to know what happens if you eat too much cabbage. Eating too much can cause digestive problems. Again, since it contains a large amount of 'vitamin K', various problems can arise due to the excess of this vitamin in the body. For example: Liver and kidney problems, blood clots, etc.

What is English for cabbage?

Cabbage English means Cabbage, and red cabbage English means red cabbage or Red Cabbage. Red cabbage and red cabbage mean the same thing. Note that this vegetable is also known as cabbage.

Red Cabbage Recipe

Red Cabbage Recipe

By now, you know what kind of nutrients are in cabbage and how they help protect our health. Now, we're going to share a great recipe that will give you all the nutrients (and a little more) in one go. And take a very beautiful name of this recipe - 'Red Cabbage Recipe'.

Roasted Cabbage

An interesting recipe is cabbage bhaji which can be eaten with rice, roti, paratha, etc. But be careful not to use too much oil while frying.

Cabbage curry

Any type of fish can be mixed with other vegetables as well as cabbage in curry. However, cabbage contains a lot of water which can increase the amount of broth in the curry. And so you have to cook with less amount of water in advance.

Cabbage fritters

Cabbage, gram flour, onions, chilies, and salt can be fried in oil to make excellent pakoras which can be eaten as an evening snack.

The cabbage recipe is vegetarian

Heart patients or obese people who are restricted from consuming oily and spicy foods can eat a vegetarian recipe of finely chopped cabbage with little oil, pepper, and salt. It does not require much cooking time and does not require any spices as it has no flavor.


You don't necessarily have to eat red cabbage, but you can benefit by eating green cabbage, kale (which is also a type of cabbage but looks like thick lettuce leaves that are red and dark green), broccoli, etc. Because these are all vegetables belonging to the genus Brassica and have almost the same benefits.

After learning about the benefits of cabbage, many people may feel motivated to eat it. If you want, you can buy cabbage seeds from the market and plant them at the beginning of winter and in the next 2 to 3 months you can eat your own grown cabbage.


What is the name of red cabbage?

Red or purple cabbage ( Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata f, rubra ), a crop native to the Mediterranean region of Europe, is now grown as a fresh market vegetable throughout the world.

How much red cabbage should be eaten?

To get the most benefits, eat ½ to ¾ cup of cooked or 1½ cups of raw cabbage daily at least 5 days a week. This is quite easy to do as there are many ways to prepare cabbage.

Is red cabbage good for the skin?

The spectrum of nutrients in red cabbage makes it a perfect choice of vegetable to keep your skin looking radiant and youthful. Antioxidant goodness helps reduce signs of aging by improving skin tone, suppleness, fewer wrinkles, and age spots.

What happens after eating red cabbage juice?

Red cabbage gives its reddish-purple color and has powerful antioxidant properties. Foods rich in anthocyanins offer many benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease. Additionally, some of the antioxidants found in cabbage juice may have anti-cancer properties.

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