Laser Treatment for Acne Scars: How Effective

Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

The most modern treatment method for acne is laser treatment available in our country. However, not all types of acne require laser treatment. Rather, it is important to know when and which type of acne laser treatment to do.

This article discusses lasers in acne treatment in detail. When laser treatment for acne is needed, how effective it can be, preparation for treatment, cost, and side effects.

Laser treatment for acne scars

Any type of acne scarring does not require laser treatment. Rather, in most cases, acne scars get better with time. For this, it is important to adopt some home remedies (skincare) and follow a proper lifestyle. For example: eating healthy food, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, avoiding smoking, using sunscreen to go out in the sun, etc.

If skincare and lifestyle changes do not heal acne scars, a referral to a dermatologist can help with topical creams and antibiotics. There are also steroids for severe acne.

Laser treatment may be considered if none of the methods yield good results. Especially if you have acne scars and deep wounds on the skin for a long time, it is better to take laser treatment.

A dermatologist should be consulted for laser treatment to remove acne scars. Laser treatment should be taken only if the doctor advises that it would be better to take laser treatment considering the condition. Otherwise, other treatment options (creams, antibiotics, or steroids) should be taken as per the doctor's advice.

How does acne laser treatment work?

How does acne laser treatment work

A laser is a type of light. That is, the treatment that is given using a type of light through special technology is called laser treatment.

Laser treatment is a safe and modern medical procedure that can play an effective role in solving various skin problems.

Laser treatment for acne removes the damaged surface layer of the skin. It removes scars and promotes new cell growth. It makes the skin smooth and soft. Laser treatment also plays a helpful role in eliminating bacterial infections on the skin. Note that bacterial infection is one of the main causes of acne.

The types or methods of laser treatment are ablative (ablative) laser, non-ablative (non-ablative) laser, and fractionated (Fractionated) laser. Your doctor will determine which method will work best for you based on your skin condition.

Which cases can be treated with laser?

Laser treatment can be used for acne scars anywhere (face, neck, arms, back, and neck).

Laser treatment can play an effective role in solving not only acne but also various other skin problems. For example: removing skin wrinkles, reducing age marks, removing unwanted facial hair, moles or moles, etc.

How much does laser treatment cost?

The cost of laser treatment is relatively high. This means that laser treatment costs more than other acne treatments (creams, drugs, or steroids).

Multiple sessions of laser treatment are required to remove acne scars. That is, laser treatment is completed by taking several sessions after a certain time (weeks or months) rather than taking it once.

Usually, 5 to 6 sessions are required. However, the number of sessions may be more or less depending on the patient and the acne scar and depth.

Usually, the cost per session is 5 to 8 thousand. That is, 30 to 40 thousand taka will be required for complete laser treatment. The amount of cost may be more or less depending on the standard of the organization.

Risks and side effects of laser treatment

Risks and side effects of laser treatment

Although laser is very safe, it has some side effects like all other medical procedures. The severity of side effects varies according to the method of laser treatment, skin type, doctor's skill, etc.

There are no serious health risks associated with laser treatment. However, some common side effects may occur. For example:

  • Swelling of the skin
  • Redness of the skin
  • Pain at the laser treatment site
  • Temporary scars like burns

Most of the symptoms (Side effects) are temporary i.e. get better within a few days. However, in case of allergy or any complicated symptoms (infection or pus, fever, and swelling of the skin), then a doctor should be consulted quickly.

Risks and side effects of laser treatment

Although laser is very safe, it has some side effects like all other medical procedures. The severity of side effects varies according to the method of laser treatment, skin type, doctor's skill, etc.

There are no serious health risks associated with laser treatment. However, some common side effects may occur. For example:

  • Swelling of the skin
  • Redness of the skin
  • Pain at the laser treatment site
  • Temporary scars like burns

Most of the symptoms (side effects) are temporary i.e. get better within a few days. However, in case of allergy or any complicated symptoms (infection or pus, fever, and swelling of the skin), then a doctor should be consulted quickly.

Preparations for treating acne scars

Preparations for treating acne scars

To get rid of acne scars, laser treatment should be considered and the right decision should be taken according to the doctor's advice.

Since laser treatment is an expensive treatment, it is necessary to prepare by knowing the cost details.

Care should be taken not to undergo incomplete laser treatment due to incomplete knowledge, indecision, or financial problems. That is, all the necessary sessions must be taken, and one cannot be omitted. Because no results can be expected in incomplete treatment.

Health rules to be followed before and after laser treatment are:

  • If you take any medicine regularly, you should inform the doctor beforehand.
  • Do not use creams (especially creams rich in retinol) to remove acne.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Do not go to excessive sun.
  • Sunscreen should be used.
  • The skin should not be touched with unclean hands and the skin should not be scratched with nails.
  • No cream can be used after laser treatment without a doctor's advice.

Last word

Laser treatment can be very effective in removing acne scars. However, laser treatment is not necessary for all types of scars, but only in complex cases (long-term scars or deep wounds) should laser treatment be taken.

Laser treatments tend to be relatively expensive. To get good results laser treatment should be done by an expert and trained doctor and one should be patient.


How painful is laser scar removal?

Laser skin treatments work incredibly quickly, but they can be a bit uncomfortable during the treatment itself. Patients have compared the pain to that of snapping a rubber band against their skin by being minimal. After a few minutes, your skin gets used to the pain and you don't feel it anymore.

Which laser is better for acne scars?

Carbon dioxide laser therapy is currently the best possible laser for acne scars. Many experts recommend carbon dioxide lasers first and often because they consistently provide significant improvement for customers with a variety of acne scars.

Is laser treatment for acne scars painful?

The good thing is that lasers usually don't hurt. Most people feel a slight warmth during the treatment, which is quite soothing. While some people experience a slight stinging sensation during laser treatment, others find the experience relatively painless.

What should be used to remove acne scars?

Mix lemon juice with a little water make a cotton ball and rub it on your face for 3-4 minutes. However, if you have sensitive skin, it is better not to give lemon. Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a little water and rub it on your face for 2-3 minutes and wait a few minutes for it to dry. Then wash your face and apply moisturizer cream or olive oil.

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