Food list for dysentery patients - what should be known

Food list for dysentery patients

Dysentery is a very common health problem caused by germs (Bacterial or parasitic infections). Symptoms of dysentery are frequent bowel movements and blood or mucus in the stool. Also, there are symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, nausea etc.

To cure dysentery, one should follow a proper diet along with taking medicines. This article discusses in detail what foods are beneficial for a dysentery patient and what foods to avoid.

Food list for dysentery patient

Food list for dysentery patient

In the case of dysentery patients, frequent bowel movements lead to loss of water and salts (minerals) from the body. Food should be eaten saline to fill the deficiency of water and salt in the body. Especially should eat saline after each bowel movement.

Food saline is readily available in the market and must be mixed according to the instructions on the packet. Saline should not be diluted in less or more water than indicated and saline should not be kept longer than 12 hours.

Canned water

Consuming bottled water along with saline will be beneficial. Bottled water can meet the body's water needs. Also, bottled water contains minerals. Dab water is considered an excellent food for patients of all ages as it is very palatable.

Ripe fruit

Eating a variety of fruits will be beneficial for dysentery patients. Especially ripe bananas, ripe papaya, apple, bell, guava, etc. Fruits are easily digested and provide nutrients to the body.

Making bell syrup and eating it can be most beneficial. However, bele sharbat that can be bought on the roadside cannot be consumed. Because there is doubt about whether they are manufactured in compliance with hygiene regulations.

Sweet fruits should not be eaten in excess for diabetic patients. Many people believe that the sweetness of fruits is not harmful to patients with diabetes. But any sugary food (basically simple sugars), including fruit sweets, raises blood sugar levels.

Rice and bread

White rice and bread are easily digestible carbohydrate foods. That is, it is easily digested and provides a lot of calories to the body. Also, bread or biscuits can be eaten along with rice and roti.

A variety of potatoes

Boiled and peeled potatoes (which are primarily eaten cooked) will be beneficial for dysentery patients. Potato is a carbohydrate food that provides calories to the body.

There is another type of potato called sweet potato. Sweet potatoes can be eaten by dysentery patients. Sweet potatoes should be boiled and peeled. Also, having sweet potatoes in the regular diet will be beneficial for patients with long-term dysentery (irritable bowel syndrome).


Vegetables are low-calorie foods. But rich in water, vitamins, and minerals. Sufficient vegetables should be kept in the diet of dysentery patients.

Vegetables should be washed well and cooked. Wash carefully, especially when eaten raw (as a salad). Raw onion, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, etc. cannot be eaten.


  • Raw bananas can be boiled and eaten.
  • Almonds are a very healthy food that can be eaten as a snack.
  • Healthily eating soup will be beneficial

Foods to avoid in dysentery patients

If you have dysentery, you cannot eat all kinds of food. Rather, some foods have to be avoided.

Foods to avoid in dysentery patients

Milk and dairy products

Patients with dysentery and IBS or irritable bowel syndrome (also known as chronic dysentery) should avoid milk and dairy products. Because eating such food increases stomach problems.

But yogurt can be eaten. Because yogurt is a food rich in probiotics. Which contributes to increasing the number of beneficial bacteria for the body living in the digestive tract.

Fast food

Fast food, extra fatty foods, sugar, cakes, chips, soft drinks, etc. should be avoided as much as possible because such foods can have harmful effects on dysentery patients.

Tea and coffee

Consuming tea and coffee can aggravate the symptoms of dysentery. So tea and coffee should be avoided. Also, alcohol should not be consumed by dysentery patients.

What to do if you have dysentery

There are certain rules to follow in case of dysentery which are briefly described below.

  • Hygiene rules must be followed. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, especially after defecation and before eating.
  • Drink water and food frequently. Cannot work or exercise. Instead, rest as much as possible.
  • Drink pure water. Tab water should be boiled or purified with the help of a filter
  • Anti-biotic medicines should be taken as per the rules. No herbal medicine should be taken.

Last word

Dysentery is a short-term illness that gets better within one to two weeks. If you have dysentery, you should take saline along with regular medicine. Also should eat canned water, fruits, vegetables, rice, bread, soup, boiled potatoes, nuts, etc. Eating curd will be beneficial. However, milk, dairy products, fast food, chips, soft drinks, tea, coffee, etc. should be avoided.

Adhering to good hygiene is essential to prevent and treat dysentery. Wash hands with soap, especially after defecation and before eating. Drink pure water. Food should be covered so that flies cannot sit on the food. Also, for healthy people, contact with and use of dysentery patients should be avoided as much as possible.


What is the best medicine for dysentery?

Amoebic dysentery is usually treated with drugs such as metronidazole and tinidazole designed to kill the parasite. If your condition is severe, your doctor may recommend intravenous drips instead of fluids. This will prevent dehydration. But you should consume them after consulting a good and competent doctor.

What is bacillary dysentery?

Bacillary dysentery is a gastrointestinal disease. Bacillary means bacterial, and dysentery is severe diarrhea with blood or mucus. With bacillary dysentery, a bacterial infection becomes more aggressive and severe, causing inflammation of the intestines. Some symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening.

What causes baby dysentery?

Shigella, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Schistosoma mansoni, and Entamoeba histolytica are among the bacteria and parasites that cause dysentery. Shigella is responsible for most cases of this disease in children in tropical regions.

Treatment of children's dysentery?

Amoebicidal drugs, such as metronidazole (Flagyl), are often used to treat amoebic dysentery. If equivocal laboratory results are reported, both antibiotics and amoebicidal drugs may be required depending on the severity of symptoms.

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