How to take care of baby in winter - which is a mother's right

How to take care of the baby in winter! Make sure your little one stays warm, healthy, and happy during the winter months. Read on for comprehensive advice and insight.

How to take care of baby in winter

Did you know that more people get sick in winter than in other seasons? Babies are already tender and need constant vigilance in their care. So it is important to take extra care of the baby this winter.

Learn about childcare through stories

Elena became a mother three months ago. A sweet and handsome baby has arrived in Elena and Steven's family. Everyone is busy with children all day. In the beginning, Elena could not even take her lap properly. But his thoughts; People so small can't say anything, can't explain what they need. But mothers have different feelings towards their children. So Elena now understands what Nita didn't say. When will you need it, why are you crying, are you hungry, etc.

But for some time Elena is a bit worried. Nita's body is not doing well since winter, she feels a little cold. Skin looks pale. Even after taking so much care, why is Elena like this with Madhura!

In fact, children need a little extra care during winter. Because at the beginning of winter, when the weather temperature drops, fever, cold, cough, breathing problems, skin problems etc. occur.

Pediatrician with special care of children in winter. Jacob said, "Children are more affected by cold, cough, sore throat, fever, and pneumonia in winter. Children are mainly affected by these diseases because the weather is dry and dusty in winter. At this time, parents should be aware. Keep children away from cold air and dust. Since in winter, These diseases are contagious, it is better to take children to as crowded places as possible. Children should have separate towels, handkerchiefs, towels, etc. If infected, keep children away. Sneezing and coughing.

What should we do to take extra care of children in winter?

Extra care for children in winter

Winter brings its own set of childcare challenges, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can navigate the season with confidence.

Children are hot during the day and cold at night

There are days in winter when it feels hot during the day and cold at night. And this kind of weather is bad for everyone, big and small. Because even if you go to sleep without a fan, you feel cold again in the morning and night. So children need a little extra care along with adults at this time. You should sleep with a kantha or a thin blanket while sleeping. Keep the fan running slowly rather than full blast. Pay extra attention to children at night.

Do not keep doors and windows closed all the time

In winter we keep all the doors and windows closed because the cold air will come. However, even if the cold wind comes, the doors and windows should not be closed all the time and should be opened from time to time. It allows sunlight and fresh air to enter the room. The sweet morning sun is also beneficial for the human body.

Keep children away from sick members

Since adults also get fever, cold, and cough in winter, children should be kept away from sick members. Because the attack of the virus causes fever, cold, and cough. And this virus spreads easily. So during this time, the child should wear heavy clothes. Because the child has a slight fever, cough or sneeze is suspicious. Therefore, in case of cough, shortness of breath, inability to suck milk, difficulty in breathing, or bending of the ribs with breathing, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Use warm water to feed the baby

Warm water should be used for everything from feeding the baby to bathing or washing hands and face in winter. At this time, if children use hot water for various activities, children will be free from cold problems. Children should be bathed regularly even in winter. But the bath should be finished before 12 noon. After bathing, wipe the baby's head and body well and then dress him. However, if a newborn or child has a cold-cough problem, the whole body should be soaked in warm water.

Children should wear warm clothes

In winter children should wear warm clothes like woolen clothes. It keeps the body warm, but according to the doctor, it is not right for children to wear woolen clothes directly. It can cause allergies in children to the tiny hairs of fur. A cotton cloth should be worn with a woolen garment. Warm clothing must be soft and comfortable. But care should be taken so that children do not sweat in hot clothes. It can make you sweat and feel cold.

Taking care of baby's skin in winter

Children's skin is softer and more sensitive than adult's. So baby skin needs extra care in winter. A good quality whole lotion or olive oil should be used. Coconut oil works as a good moisturizer. Change diapers frequently to protect your baby's skin in winter. The longer the wet diaper is in contact with the baby's skin, the more likely it is to develop a rash. So it is better not to keep the baby's diaper wet for a long time.

Foods that children should eat in winter

Baby food in winter

The child should be fed such food that does not easily attack the disease. Breast milk is usually the only source of nutrients and antibodies for infants up to six months of age. Breast milk boosts the immune system of babies and keeps them away from colds, coughs, and other infectious diseases. So try to breastfeed your baby regularly. After six months of breastfeeding the baby should be given other nutritious food like khichuri and you can give a small amount of egg white, red vegetables, and spinach in khichuri.

But choosing baby winter food should be done with some consideration. In this winter, children should have warm liquids in their diet so that the children are hydrated and warm liquids keep them away from cold.

Children should eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Apart from this, children should be given food that will get extra vitamin C in winter. It is good to give lemon, orange, malta, amlaki fruits. But those who cannot chew can be fed fruit juice.

Do not ignore the signs of illness in children during winter

Illnesses of children in winter

Generally, children's immunity decreases during winter and they are more prone to infections. If you notice your baby wheezing, severe coughing, or difficulty breathing during sleep, he may have an infection. In that case, you should take your child to his doctor immediately. And if it is a common cold, or cough and the condition is not too severe, then you can opt for home remedies.

  • For children with congestion or a runny nose, saline nasal drops can help relieve congestion. These drops can be used to moisturize the nasal passages and make it easier for your child to breathe.
  • Use eucalyptus oil in a diffuser or add a few drops to hot water to inhale the steam. Eucalyptus has properties that can help ease respiratory symptoms.
  • Soak a cloth in warm salt water and apply it to your child's chest. It can relieve chest congestion.
  • Dairy products can sometimes contribute to mucus production. Consider limiting dairy, especially before bed.

Remember, individual responses to these remedies may vary and monitoring your child's symptoms is essential. If there are concerns or the cough persists, consult a healthcare professional for more personalized evaluation and guidance.

Things that children need to be careful about in winter

At the beginning of winter, all the warm clothes, blankets, sheets, sheets, etc. used by the child should be exposed to the sun before use. Keep it in the sun and dust it before use. It is better if you can cover the cloth on the coating, blanket.
Baby oil, lotion, or vaseline should not be used on the baby and children's hair should not be shed in winter.
Don't wear extra hot clothes. Because the child may sweat and that sweat may dry the child's body in the cold air and cause the child's health to deteriorate.
Babies, especially those who cannot talk about urination and defecation, should wear diapers at night. But care should be taken not to keep the diaper on for too long.
Do not put clothes, blankets, or blankets on the baby's nose or mouth. The child must bathe or wipe the body daily with warm water.
A newborn remains in the warm temperature of the mother's womb. So the temperature of the earth feels cold. And there is nothing to say on winter days. So the newborn needs to be wrapped with a little warm cloth.
Many times children do not want to eat anything when they have a cold and often vomit. In that case, it is better not to force children to eat. It is better to eat thin food and liquid type food.

As children's immune system is low and not developed. As a result, the possibility of getting infected with a cold, cough, sore throat, fever, etc. increases. As a result, it is easy to keep your little one warm and protected by taking preventive measures. Care and care techniques for newborn babies should be kept in mind during the winter season.


Navigating the winter months with a baby involves a thoughtful mix of preparation, care, and a deep understanding of your little one's needs. "How to take care of baby in winter" is Not just a question but a responsibility that we embrace with love and dedication.

Remember, every child is unique, and it's essential to tailor these tips to your child's specific needs. Regular check-ins with your pediatrician and keeping up with your baby's cues are key to a successful winter care routine.

As snow falls and temperatures drop, let this winter be a season of joy and comfort for both you and your baby. Embrace the magic of the holidays and the general joy of winter, knowing that you've taken the necessary steps to ensure your baby's comfort and happiness.


What clothes should the baby wear to sleep in winter?

In winter, dress your baby in a one-piece sleeper or use a sleeping bag for warmth. Avoid heavy blankets in the cage for safety.

Should I adjust my baby's feeding schedule?

Consult your pediatrician for personalized advice. Some babies may need adjustments to their feeding routine in cold weather.

How can I tell the doctor if the child is very cold?

Watch for symptoms such as restlessness, tremors, or cold extremities. Feel your baby's neck or back - cold skin may indicate they need an extra layer.

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