Seasonal vegetables and fruits - can be an effective weight-loss solution

We eat a variety of foods to lose weight, but many of us don't know that seasonal fruits and vegetables can be the best way to lose weight.

Seasonal Vegetables and Fruits of America

Eating seasonal food means eating seasonal fruits and vegetables, i.e. eating vegetables and fruits that are available in season. According to recent studies, eating seasonal foods is very effective in reducing body weight.

Before going into details let's know about the negative aspects of weight gain.

Why is excess weight a concern?

Excess weight in the human body is a matter of great concern these days. As a result of this extra weight increase in the body, the immune system of the body decreases and the body starts getting affected by various diseases. In this condition, the human body increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. So excess weight is not desirable for anyone. If the body weight increases, then there are various ways to reduce it. One of these is seasonal food intake.

Let's find out what is overweight and what can be done to lose weight.

What should be the weight according to age and height?

Based on a person's age, and physical height, what should be the appropriate bodyweight limit? When the body weight exceeds this limit, it can be termed as overweight. And whether the body weight is correct or not is determined by BMI.

BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It measures body weight based on height and weight. Body Mass Index is not a perfect measure of health, but it is necessary to estimate the risk of health problems. Let's see how a person's weight is determined by BMI-

Underweight: BMI below 18.5
Normal weight: BMI is between 18.5-24.9
Overweight: BMI between 25-29.9
Obesity Weight: BMI 30 or more

When a person's body weight increases, his body starts getting infected with various diseases. If this condition persists, it can lead to serious health risks as well as premature death of the person.

Due to which the weight increases

Due to which the weight increases

There are two main reasons for weight gain. Namely: wrong diet and exercise/lack of exercise.

Wrong eating habits

It is one of the causes of weight gain and obesity. Body weight increases by consuming excess food. Again if the food list is not balanced it can lead to fat gain or poor health. Usually eating food with excess oil, sugars, and protein increases the amount of fat in the body and leads to weight gain. Again, if the rate of their presence in the diet is low, health can be broken.

No exertion or exercise

After consuming food, it produces a lot of energy in the body. This energy helps to perform various tasks and exert force. But if no effort is made after consuming food, then the energy generated is stored in the body in the form of fat and weight gradually increases.

Moreover, sometimes due to genetic reasons, the effect of medicine, or due to the presence of a disease, excess fat is stored in the body and weight increases.

Risks of weight gain

Excess weight slowly weakens the human body and causes various diseases. These include-

  • Diabetes,
  • Hypertension,
  • Kidney complications,
  • Heart disease, stroke,

And various complex diseases including hormonal imbalance. These diseases cause more suffering than premature death.

Ways to lose weight

To reduce body weight, it is necessary to avoid excess calories and eat food containing fiber. Weight loss and control can be achieved by living with these two things in mind.

Exercise is also essential, and with proper diet and exercise, blood glucose levels are normal, not fat gain. As a result, the weight is normal. And eating seasonal foods can be a great way to lose weight.

Health benefits of eating seasonal foods

Health benefits of eating seasonal foods

Eating seasonal foods is a sustainable way to change your diet that has a variety of health benefits. But it only encourages eating fruits and vegetables that are grown in different seasons for your geographical area, like latke, amra, or kamaranga in monsoon, orange in winter, and jackfruit, and litchi in summer.

Eating seasonally actually maximizes the nutritional value of food. For example, summer-grown strawberries are more nutritious and tastier than winter-grown strawberries. Because the natural season of strawberry production is summer.

Rather than eating the same small variety of fruits and vegetables year-round, seasonal eating encourages a varied diet. Your favorite seasonal fruits and vegetables will give you important vitamins and minerals that you might not normally get at other times.

Also, seasonal foods tend to have better quality and freshness than out-of-season foods. Because certain crops are in high demand throughout the year, they are modified to increase abundance and resist disease, but these modifications rob them of some of their nutritional benefits. When fruits and vegetables are grown in their natural cycle, they will grow without any harmful additives and be full of nutrients.

How to start seasonal food?

Lifestyle changes can be scary at times, but if you're committed to eating seasonally, there are some simple steps you can take to start your journey—

  • Try to find out what fruits and vegetables are in season in your area or region.
  • Summer crops are popular and commonly eaten, so focus on winter foods that you wouldn't normally eat.
  • Save seasonal fruits and vegetables for later. You can freeze, dehydrate, pickle, can, etc. to use in the off-season.

Eating seasonally is easy healthy and good for the environment.

Seasonal foods to lose weight

Seasonal foods to lose weight

Seasonal food refers to vegetables grown in different seasons. As the seasons change, so does the seasonal food cycle. These include summer, monsoon and winter fruits and vegetables. And all these vegetables also help to reduce body weight.

Let's know the names of some fruits and vegetables and their functions.

Common summer fruits


The king of fruits Mango is a delicious summer fruit that is unmatched in nutrition and taste. Ripe mangoes are rich in carotene, which boosts immunity. Raw mangoes have nutritional properties like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Antioxidants help maintain youthfulness. Besides, chutneys, pickles, masala, marmalade, jam, jelly, juice, etc. are made from mangoes.


Our national fruit jackfruit is delicious and energizing. All parts of this fruit including seeds are edible and can be eaten raw or ripe. It contains a lot of nutrients. Raw jackfruit is used as curry. And jackfruit seeds can be eaten fried or cooked.


This juicy summer fruit is loved by everyone from kids to adults, and it has a lot of nutritional value. It is very effective in satisfying body fluid needs and thirst. Lychee increases the cooling effect on human body temperature to escape from the harsh summer heat. lychee is rich in calcium and vitamin-c.


Watermelon is no match for body fatigue. watermelon is rich in vitamins A, B and C. Also helps in weight loss.

Java plum

As a result, there is a lot of iron and vitamin C. Eliminates anemia. Java plum also helps prevent any infection in the body. Besides, there are many other qualities. Everyone likes to eat this fruit which is cheap and easily available.

Monsoon foods

Sour fruits

Generally, citrus fruits such as lemon, latke, orange, amra, kamaranga, grapefruit etc. are rich in vitamin C. These fruits are known to be powerful antioxidants. And it helps to boost immunity.


Generally, berries like jam (blackberry), strawberry, latke, maki (gooseberry), blueberry, cherry etc. contain fiber and play a beneficial role in maintaining a healthy pH balance during monsoons.

Green vegetables

In this season, vegetables containing antioxidants, vitamin C, or minerals such as various types of greens, gourds, gourds, gourds, gourds, pumpkins, papayas, cucumbers, gourds, sweet pumpkins, bitter gourds, beetroots, shrimps, cucumbers, radishes etc. should be eaten more. Basically eating these vegetables regularly will help boost your immune system and improve digestion.

Winter vegetables and fruits

The carrot

Carrot is a winter food. However, its hybrid species are available throughout the year, but the price of carrots is a little higher at other times than in winter. Carrots are also high in fiber and low in calories which help in weight loss and control. It can be eaten raw, as a salad and in curries.

Cauliflower and broccoli

Cauliflower and broccoli are winter staples. It contains a large amount of fiber, minerals, vitamins and photo-chemicals that prevent fat accumulation in the body. As a result, body weight gain is prevented.

Other vegetables include cabbage, beans, tomatoes, gourds, radishes, beans, spinach, beets, beans, capsicum, etc.

Various winter fruits include oranges, pomegranates, safeda, cool, olives, amlaki, apples, grapes etc. These fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various nutrients.


Embarking on a weight loss journey is a personal and transformative experience. By including seasonal vegetables and fruits in your diet, you not only increase the nutritional value of your meals but also create a sustainable and enjoyable approach to weight management.

Gaining body weight is not a good thing at all. If the weight increases, the risk of various diseases is created in the body, and health is broken. Seasonal food is very delicious to keep this weight normal and under control. But not only seasonal food, exercise is also necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still lose weight with seasonal produce in the off-season?

Absolutely! While the variety may be somewhat limited, there are still seasonal options available during the off-season. Opt for frozen fruits and vegetables or explore local farmers' markets for fresh produce.

Are smoothies a healthy option for weight loss?

Yes, smoothies can be a healthy and satisfying option for weight loss, especially when made with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Ensure a balanced blend with a mix of nutrients, and they can contribute to your overall success.

Can seasonal eating help break through weight loss plateaus?

Introducing new seasonal staples and detox plans can help overcome plateaus. The diversity in nutrients from different seasonal options can kickstart your metabolism and revitalize your weight loss efforts.

How can I afford seasonal produce on a budget?

Explore local farmers' markets for affordable options and consider buying frozen seasonal produce during sales. Planning ahead and incorporating budget-friendly strategies can make seasonal eating accessible for everyone.

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