Children's heavy school bags risk to health? - how much do you know

Amidst the seriousness of school-coaching exams, the mental and physical development of the child is mostly neglected. A related concern is that heavy bags can cause structural and health problems for children. Let's know the problems of extra heavy bags, how much a baby bag should weigh, and other related information.

Children's heavy school bags risk to health

Human babies grow up quite differently than all other animals. Deer cubs start running at birth, but being the most intelligent animal in the universe, about a quarter of our lives are spent in brain development. School-college-study is a means to ensure the proper development of our brain. At least that's the point.

But in our country education is limited to sick competition and pride in getting good marks and whose child got good marks. Children's education is the most important thing for every parent in the context of the country. Parents have no end of worries to make sure that the child is studying properly, and getting good marks in the exam.

Is there anything our parents don't do to get those good marks? There are textbooks, as well as thick guidebooks, all in one, separate notebooks for each subject, coaching, batch private, and more! In between, the child's healthy childhood fades away. Many problems can be talked about, but the aspect that I will discuss today is that heavy bags of children and the resulting health problems can also be eliminated.

Effects of heavy bags on children's health

Effects of heavy bags on children's health

Carrying excess weight for a long time creates problems in the health and physical structure of children. Let's identify some issues:

Difficult for the child

Let's talk about the most basic issue first. 6-8 classes per day are very common in our education system. It is normal for the weight of the bag to be 20-30 percent of the child's weight with this amount of books, separate notebooks, guides, etc. for all of them.

Carrying this amount of weight over time is extremely difficult. It causes shoulder back, and leg pain which is not easy for the child to bear.

Carrying extra weight also requires extra calories. It is not unusual for so many children to get hungry quickly, tired, and inattentive to their studies.

Speaking from a personal point of view, Thursdays were my favorite at school because there were fewer books to carry. We all come through this education system, know its problems, but forget all about our children.

Spinal cord complications

One of the biggest complications of carrying heavy bags for children is back problems. Children's bodies grow very quickly, so their bones are not as strong and well-formed as adults. Carrying excess weight for a long time can cause problems like spinal curvature. Bending can be of many types such as:

  • Scoliosis or curvature of the spine to one side.
  • Kyphosis or stooping.
  • Other nerve problems.

The curvature of the spine can be corrected with treatment but the problem is when the slight curvature of the spine goes unnoticed and the child continues to grow. A slightly curved spine tends to bend more with age and the anatomy deteriorates with age.

Shoulder and back pain

Carrying heavy bags for long periods of time can lead to shoulder and back pain. In addition to the pain experienced while carrying a heavy bag, chronic pain can also occur. Carrying extra weight puts constant stress on the shoulder and back muscles, causing the muscles to tire and cause pain.

Along with this, spinal problems can also cause back pain which is more worrisome. Many babies don't talk about pain, and even if they do, many parents think the baby will be fine.

Children don't often say it's hard to carry their bags. They say they don't like going to school because of the heavy bag, the pressure of studying, and fear of the teacher's scolding. As parents, it is necessary to be a little careful in these matters.

Neurological complications

All the nerves in the body reach the brain through our spinal cord. Excess pressure on the back and spine can cause neurological problems. Hopefully, though neurological complications from heavy bags aren't too common. Yet it is wise to take it seriously.

Where is the source of the problem of heavy bags?

Where is the source of the problem of heavy bags

Before solving the problem of heavy bags, let's discuss the source of this problem. There are many teachers who ask to bring guidebooks to school. Guidebooks are much heavier than normal books. As a result, the weight of the bag increases naturally. Teachers ask to buy and bring different books to school, not just guide books, but also model tests, and thick grammar books.

In many cases, teachers get special benefits from companies to tell students to buy the company's books.

Along with that, the teachers were pressured to prepare separate notebooks for each subject. All in all, children's bags become a heavier burden to satisfy teachers than to carry school supplies.

How much should children's bags weigh?

  • In general, the weight of children's bags should be 5-7% of the child's weight.
  • And this weight should in no way be more than 10% of the child's weight.

On December 6, 2016, the matter came up in court and according to the court's verdict, the weight of children's bags cannot exceed 10%. However, even if it is a law, it can be said without a doubt that it is not enforced.

By carrying this amount of weight it is possible to avoid the problems caused by heavy bags. As children weigh more and less as they age, the carrying capacity of the bag also decreases. Let's know how much the weight of a child's bag should be according to age and class.

  • First and second-class children's bags should not exceed 1 kg.
  • Children in classes III and IV should have bags of 2 kg or less.
  • Children of class V to VII should not carry a bag weighing more than 4 kg on their backs.
  • Bag weight for students above class VIII should not exceed 5 kg.

The ideal weight of children's bags is known, but in many cases, it is very difficult to ascertain in practice. But its solutions are also quite surprising.

Keep the weight of the bag as children

Keep the weight of the bag as children

Fortunately, I attended a school that was guided by Japanese philosophy. There the teachers created a friendly atmosphere with the children even if they could not fully. They tried to solve such problems of children.

To reduce the weight of the bag, they used to cut the thick books into several parts, so that only the necessary parts could be brought to school. Only in this step does the weight of the bag become comfortable enough. Also, the following steps can be taken to keep the weight of the bag correct.

  • Give children thin and less paged notebooks. The weight will be normal even if you take many accounts in it.
  • On days when each class is taught to carry class books, many children go to school with extra books.
  • Use a comfortable bag with a wide belt. This will reduce the pressure on the shoulder and reduce the pain. The belt of the bag should be at least two fingers wide.
  • Take care that the bag does not hang over the child. The bag should stick to the shoulder. Carrying a bag on one shoulder can be more harmful.
  • Provide small water bottles and make sure the school has access to clean water.
  • A more pronounced bag spreads the weight better resulting in a lighter feel.
  • Make sure that the child does not have to walk or stand too far to go to school.

What to do if the child's back shoulder hurts?

If the child has back and shoulder pain, pay attention to the weight of the bag in the initial stage. By reducing the weight of the bag, the pain will not naturally recur. However, if the pain is severe or persistent, it is important to see an orthopedics, spine surgeon, or physical medicine doctor. By doing this, there will be no risk of complications and proper treatment will be available.

What should parents carry in the baby bag?

If the weight of the bag is right, children will be able to carry it easily and it will act as their physical exercise. Not allowing the baby to sleep at all can cause problems like weight gain. But it should not be allowed to carry long time or excessively heavy bags on the shoulders. In that case, parents can carry the child's bag.


For change and awareness, the multifaceted impact of heavy school bags on children's health must be recognized. By increasing collaboration between schools, parents, and health professionals, we can pave the way for a healthier and more balanced academic environment.

The problem of children's heavy school bags is not only a matter of physical stress but also extends to the mental well-being of our young students. Addressing this concern requires a holistic approach that involves revising the curriculum, adopting ergonomic measures, and adopting technology in education.

Remember, the journey towards lighter school bags is not just about reducing weight but improving the educational experience of our young people. Together, we can ensure that the phrase "children's heavy school bags pose health risks" becomes a relic of the past, replaced by the promise of a healthier, brighter future.


Can heavy bags permanently affect a child's posture?

Yes, consistently carrying heavy bags can cause long-term postural problems, affecting spinal alignment.

Are there long-term consequences of carrying heavy bags?

Prolonged exposure to heavy bags can lead to chronic back pain, musculoskeletal disorders, and stunted physical development.

What role do schools play in preventing this problem?

Schools should reevaluate the curriculum, provide ergonomic facilities, and encourage the use of digital resources to address this issue.

How can parents help reduce the burden on their children's backs?

Parents can ensure proper backpack packing, choose ergonomically designed bags, and communicate with the school about their child's well-being.

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