Revolutionary Diarrhea Remedies to Try at Home Today

Revolutionary Diarrhea Remedies to Try at Home Today

Diarrhea in children is as common as fever in children. Children sometimes suffer from diarrhea due to weak digestive systems. In most cases, a child's diarrhea gets better naturally. But in some cases, it can make the child suffer a lot. Without proper care and treatment, it can lead to the death of the child. Diarrhea can cause infant death. So for the child's health, one should be careful about this disease.

In this discussion, you will learn about the causes of diarrhea in children, its symptoms, what to do in case of diarrhea in children, and home remedies for diarrhea in children.

Causes of diarrhea in children

Children of any age can be affected. Sudden changes in the food list, eating food with unclean hands or feeding the baby, food poisoning, entry of germs into the stomach, unsanitary environment, attack of viruses and bacteria - these are the reasons that cause diarrhea in children.

Apart from these other factors responsible for diarrhea in children are-

  • Diarrhea is more common in children who are fed formula milk or artificial milk instead of breast milk.
  • If the child's mother consumes antibiotic medicine, it can cause diarrhea in the child. This happens mainly through the breast milk of the mother taking the medicine.
  • If the mother suddenly eats too many spicy or sugary foods in her diet, the baby may develop diarrhea through breastfeeding. However, this is not a fully tested cause.
  • Diarrhea in children is more common in summer due to weather changes.
  • Children also get diarrhea through contact with someone with diarrhea. Diarrhea is similar to a contagious infection. It is spread through the touch and feces of an infected person.
  • Children may also suffer from diarrhea due to the side effects of any medicine.
  • Diarrhea can also be a symptom of allergy if the child has allergies.

Babies of any age, from newborns to newborns, can have diarrhea. Being a common occurrence, it usually gets better within a few days. But in some children, it lasts for a few more days.

Diarrhea symptoms

Children's stools are usually thin and bright yellow. It is normal to have several bowel movements a day. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether the child has diarrhea or not.

Diarrhea caused by bacteria does not change the color of the stool, but the stool is watery and may contain blood. And if due to other reasons, the color changes and takes on a white color along with water.

Other symptoms to understand that the child is suffering from diarrhea:

  • Having more than 5 bowel movements and loose stools.
  • Dry face, dry lips, tongue, and frequent thirst for water.
  • When crying, the eyes should not be watery or watery.
  • Urinating less than four times a day.
  • Reluctance to eat and irritable mood.
  • Reluctance to wake up easily and make the child appear weak.

What you should do if your baby has diarrhea

What should be done if the child has diarrhea

Diarrhea is an illness similar to a common illness. But it is not tolerable for everyone. In some, it can cause serious illness and even death. If the child has diarrhea, first treat it at home. It is possible to cure the child from this problem only by adopting some simple methods. Things to do-

Try to avoid dehydration

Dehydration is the biggest problem if you have a loose bowel. So care should be taken to ensure that the child is free from dehydration. The child should be fed more liquid food. Feed plain water, canned water, yogurt, saline, soup, and lemon juice.

Feeding children fruits

Bananas, apples, papaya, and bells are very good for the intestines. Feed these fruits to the child to strengthen the loose stools in the intestines.

Saline is effective in diarrhea

Oral saline is the best and most effective way for young children. Saline is considered the best way to save a baby's life from diarrhea. Or you can prepare saline at home and feed it to the baby. Feed the child with saline immediately after 1-2 hours.

Spoon the saline into the baby's mouth. Have children who can drink water by themselves drink from a glass. Saline once dissolved in water can be consumed for up to 6 hours. After 6 hours should be made again.

Give nutritious meals frequently

Breastfeed babies every 2 hours. And children who can eat other foods should eat nutritious foods 4-5 times a day. Eating sugary foods such as rice, bread, potatoes, and bread can also be beneficial. Learn what parents need to do to feed their baby.

Change the diaper

Check the toddler's diaper every once in a while. Change the toilet quickly. Changing diapers frequently will prevent rash and red spots on the baby's skin.

Take it to a doctor

If diarrhea persists for more than two days, take it to the nearest child health center without delay. Do not give any medicine without a doctor's advice.

Things that don't do

  • If the child has allergies, do not give foods that trigger the allergy. Because allergies cause diarrhea.
  • Do not consume cow's milk or any food made from milk. Cow's milk aggravates diarrhea.
  • Do not eat fried, spicy food and pulses.

How to prevent diarrhea

How to prevent diarrhea

Children should not be brought into contact with anything infected. If someone in the family is suffering from diarrhea, the baby should not be held. The child should not be kept in a place where the affected person has touched. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap 2/3 times after using the toilet. A child cannot be held by unclean hands.

Remember to cover the food. Wash hands with soap before cooking, preparing, and serving food.

If someone is infected, if the condition does not improve after giving first aid at home, they should be taken to the doctor immediately.


Be careful if the baby has diarrhea. If diarrhea occurs, act quickly. It is possible to cure a child suffering from diarrhea with the above measures at home. If the child does not recover after two days, he should be taken to the doctor as soon as possible.


Why is frequent diarrhea?

Certain infections, food allergies and intolerances, digestive system problems, abdominal surgery, and long-term use of medications can cause chronic diarrhea. Diarrhea caused by bacteria does not go away without treatment.

What medicine should be taken if the child has diarrhea?

Zinc tablets: Studies have shown that zinc tablets can reduce the duration of diarrhea by a quarter. As per the advice of the doctor, the child can be given 20 mg of zinc tablets or syrup for 10-14 days.

Can you eat ripe bananas if you have diarrhea?

For those who suffer from upset stomach and loose stools, eating fresh ripe bananas will improve the stomach and make the stool firmer. But ORS must be drunk. And those who suffer from constipation will have soft stools if they eat a little more ripe banana. It is necessary to drink thin milk with it.

If the child has diarrhea, when should he be taken to the hospital?

Diarrhea in children can quickly worsen the condition of children due to dehydration. In that case, if there is no improvement in diarrhea in children within 24 hours, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

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