Physical and mental development of the child

It is the wish of every parent that the child will be healthy physically and mentally. However, most of the parents in our country do not know how to take care of the physical and mental health of their children. If the child is walking, walking, or eating, it is assumed that the child is healthy. However many people do not know that physical health does not mean mental health. If the mind is not good, physical fitness cannot achieve peace alone. A person's complete well-being depends on both physical and mental health.

Physical and mental development of the child

A child's physical development starts when it is in the womb. But mental development happens after birth. While in the womb, he is born with normal emotions like crying when he is in pain, crying when he is hungry, and breastfeeding. Later, at each stage of growing age, the child's emotions, feelings, wants, and needs begin to change. A child's mentality is formed by seeing the behavior of parents and the people around them. Therefore, along with physical health, the child's mental health should also be developed properly.

Why is the child's physical and mental development necessary?

If the child walks, exercises, and plays sports properly, the organs grow properly, the muscles become healthy and strong, the body's immune system is strengthened, and it stays away from various diseases.

Again, despite being in a cheerful mood, he cannot spend time well due to physical ailments. Then he spends his time regretting seeing other children. Which is a bad thing for parents.

If a physically healthy person is always depressed, then where is the energy to enjoy that physical health? Mental health provides that strength. If the mind is strong, the body can be moved in any direction.

If a child does not get enough affection, love, support, and education in the family after his birth, he starts to feel depressed. Can a restless child, who has no means of expressing his emotions, and is excessively moody be at peace mentally? No, can't. But many people wonder why children are like that.

Parents, family, and surrounding environment contribute to the mental development of the child. As a child, he learns to behave, express emotions, and react to emotions by watching his family members. When he grows up to see quarrels and turmoil in the family, its poison enters his mind and as a result, he often behaves like his parents.

Physical growth alone cannot be considered a child's well-being. Many are seen to have low intelligence and low maturity despite being of suitable age. Why is that? This is because his mental health was not properly taken care of during his childhood.

So it can be said that to grow as a fully healthy person, mental development is also important along with physical development.

Physical and mental development of the child

Everyone can be a parent, but not everyone can be a good parenting parent. Parenting is not an easy task. Proper parenting involves the holistic development of a child's body and mind.

Learn how to do the right things for your child's physical and mental development.

Physical development of the child

Physical development of the child

A prerequisite for physical development is being physically active and eating nutritious food. Keep the child physically active as much as possible at times other than bedtime. Make sure that the child does not stay alone for two consecutive hours, and does not sit quietly. Let him play age-appropriate games, encourage him to play, and make him happy by spending some time with him yourself.

As the arms and legs move, the flexibility and function of the muscles of the arms and legs will also increase. The muscles and bones will continue to be strong, thus the proper development of the body parts of the child will be possible.

How to keep physically active

  • Encourage the baby to crawl until he is old enough to walk. Teach them to walk on their toes, holding their toes.
  • Once you learn to walk, walk for at least 30 minutes a day. If you can run, train for short runs. But never overdo it. If the child is in pain, let him rest if he is disturbed.
  • Put different toys in front of him. Encourage him to play if he can play by himself.
  • After 2 years, children can play by themselves. Learn different games. Still, give him enough opportunities to play. Sports are very helpful in mental development. But be sure not to play with any object beyond your physical ability, so that no accident happens.

Baby food according to age

Include balanced foods in your diet. Feed the child according to the age-wise food list.

Sports, exercise, food rich in essential nutrients, and sleep – are essential for a child's physical health and development. Be aware that the child does these correctly.

What to do in a child's mental development

What to do in a child's mental development

The first thing you need to do to keep your baby safe is to keep your own. Because the emotional state of the parents depends a lot on the child. If a mother or father is always in a state of worry, then it affects the child as well. So first you have to ensure the health of your mental health. It should be ensured that there is no quarrel in front of the child, that he does not get any bad ideas, and that no negative influence of the surroundings falls on him.

Giving confidence to the child

Do not lie to the child, do not give false assurances, do not give wrong praise. Never say anything about the child being angry or happy about what he has done. Rather, tell about his work, show the wrong and right of the work. If he does the right thing, praise him “You did a great job. Thank you ” like this. If you make a mistake, point out the mistake and teach it how to do it correctly. Don't compliment him. Do not give compliments like “You are the best student”. On receiving such praise, he may grow up with an egotistical mindset, adopting unfair methods to be the best.

Give him confidence in an inspiring way, not in an arrogant way.

Pay attention to the baby

Listen to what the child wants when. If something is necessary, bring it, if unnecessary, avoid it. Don't skip outright, or say don't bring it. He will be hurt and disappointed if he receives a direct "no-understanding" answer. As a result, it will create pressure on the child's mind. Which is not a good thing. Listen attentively without saying “no” directly, without avoiding. Answer “makes sense”. Explain the difference between necessary and unnecessary things.

Listen to him with attention and interest, look at him. In that, he can make himself a good focus. Will focus on studies, listening to others, and other things.

Give the child the freedom to express emotions

If he wants to tell you something, if he starts laughing in front of you, give him the courage to do it. If you cry, ask why you are crying. Don't let your emotions overwhelm you. Suppressing your emotions will destroy the small mind from the inside. As you get older, you will suffer from depression. Give you the courage and freedom to talk about your happiness and sadness without fear. It will make the relationship between parents and children sweeter.

Get the child interested in exercise and sports

Set aside a specific time every day for the child to play. Through exercise and sports, confidence increases, children are mentally strong, immunity increases, communication skills increase, they can learn new words, and they feel safe while playing. May be mentally cheerful. Children are imitators. If someone in the family does exercise and sports, the child will get more interest.

Develop good habits in children

Try to avoid watching TV, and using mobile phones at night. When it's time to sleep, ask to go to sleep. Get in the habit of sleeping at the right time. Make sure that the child does not get into the habit of eating unhealthy food. Instead of showing videos on mobiles, there are various books for kids, encouraging them to read them and showing educational videos.

Be faithful to the child

He said he was going to visit on Saturday, but he didn't go that day. He said he would buy something, but he didn't buy it later. Many parents do this. Although most of the time can't speak for engagement. But doing so will make your child lose trust in you. He will also grow up with a mindset of not keeping his mouth shut. Which is not the development of the right mindset. So be faithful to the child. Try to follow up after saying what you want to give or do.

Teach the child ways to be stress-free

People's mental state becomes bad due to various work and stress. Some suffer from severe mental illness and even commit suicide due to lack of time to relieve stress. Teach your child ways to be stress-free. Teach yourself to focus on doing things you love to stay stress-free. Which will benefit him a lot, he will find a way to have peace of mind.

Along with these, read our article on "Good Parenting" and follow them to expand your child's mind. Everyone in the family, including the parents, should be careful so that no negative impact of the surroundings is on the child's mind.


Parents are children's first teachers. Children get most of their education from their parents. If there is any physical or mental problem between the parents, then its bad effect starts on the child from childhood. So parents should be aware of their health and keep their children safe.


What is the first stage of child development?

The first stage of a child's development is the sensorimotor stage, Piaget identified the stages of development from birth to two years of age as the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. It is clear from the name of the level that at this level the child wants to know his world through sensory and motor skills.

Which helps the child's mental development?

A child's mental development takes place through caressing, affection, talking with him, playing with him, telling songs, rhymes, and stories, treating him well, giving joy, etc. If the child is physically and mentally punished and intimidated or bullied or neglected, the child's emotional and social and intellectual development is hindered.

What is required for physical and mental development?

Physical activity is important for both the physical and mental development of children, especially in the first five years of life. This is when parents and educators should start encouraging children to engage in physical activity at an early age and develop good habits that can last a lifetime.

What is childhood physical and motor development?

Physical development in childhood includes gross and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are large movements such as a child's running, jumping and climbing that involve large muscle groups. Fine motor skills are small movements such as buttoning, zipping, and feeding that require hand strength and dexterity.

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