How to understand the signs of pregnancy

Many women suffer from uncertainty about whether they are pregnant or not. Because not everyone has the same symptoms. Some have many pregnancy symptoms, while others have only a few. Most people consider the cessation of periods as the main sign of pregnancy. But this is not the only symptom. One cannot be sure whether one is pregnant or not only when menstruation stops.

How to understand pregnancy symptoms

Through this article, you will be informed in detail about some of the main symptoms of pregnancy.

Period of pregnancy

Fertilization begins when the male sperm enters the female partner's genitals and the egg meets the sperm. The day of conception starts from the day of sperm penetration. But from that day the symptoms did not appear. It takes a week to a month for symptoms to appear.

If regular menstruation stops in the first month starting from the day of planned intercourse, then it is fairly certain that pregnancy has occurred. This also applies to unplanned intercourse.

If some other symptoms appear along with cessation of menstruation, then it can be confirmed. But to be completely sure, a pregnancy test should be done.

Some of the main symptoms of pregnancy

Some of the main symptoms of pregnancy

Menstruation is considered as the main symptom. Women's body processes are complex. One symptom alone should not be conclusive in that complex process. If the symptoms mentioned below occur along with the cessation of the menstrual cycle, then you can be sure of pregnancy.

Other symptoms that can be seen in the early stages of pregnancy are:

Nausea or vomiting

Within one month to one and a half months after sperm entry, vomiting or nausea starts at any time of the day or night which continues for 60-70 days. Vomiting may occur several times a day, even if there is no vomiting, vomiting will occur. This condition lasts from the first month to the second month.

Changes in breast size

Similar to vomiting, this symptom also appears within one to one and a half months of pregnancy. Breast tenderness, change in breast size and breast size, mild breast pain, nipples becoming erect and thick, nipple area becoming darker (closer to black in some) color during this time.

This happens due to the release of hormones. Because of this, the pregnant woman is uncomfortable. However, when the body adapts to the release of hormones, this discomfort will gradually decrease.

Discharge of slimy fluid through the vagina

Due to the cessation of menstruation, when the menstrual period used to be regular, instead of menstrual blood, a slippery white liquid is released from the vagina. Light bleeding may also occur. This can happen a week or two after the egg is fertilized.

Increased urination

Where previously it was normal to urinate 4-6 times a day, pregnancy increases this amount. Have to urinate frequently. During this time the amount of urine also increases as the rate of blood production in the body increases.

Mood swings

Women always suffer from mood swings. During pregnancy, the rate of secretion of estrogen and progesterone hormones increases in the female body. The result is frequent mood swings. Excessive thinking, crying, depression, not liking something, and not being able to tolerate someone is often seen in them. They exist until the child is born.

Increased heart rate

Since the rate of hormone secretion starts to increase during this time, the heart rate also increases accordingly. As blood production is increased, blood flow is increased throughout the body, as well as blood flow to the heart.

Change in diet

Research shows that women may consume more food during pregnancy than they would normally eat at other times. Often hungry, wants to eat different foods. It is also seen that some people eat things that are not meant to be eaten. During this time, the phenomenon of eating soil was also known by many women.

Again, the food that she used to like, does not want to eat that favorite food during pregnancy. The same goes for hormones and mood swings.

Stomach problems

During this time, due to hormones, digestion becomes weak. Due to this most pregnant women suffer from flatulence and constipation. This problem is more common after the second half of pregnancy i.e. the first 3 months.

Some people also experience symptoms like cramping in the stomach.

Increased body temperature

Due to the increased amount of hormones released, various changes occur in the body. An increase in body temperature is one of them. At this time his body temperature is slightly higher than normal. My body feels weak.

Gaining body weight

Weight gain starts in the first 3 months. Body weight also increases due to the birth of another body in the womb, changes in breast size, and changes in other organs due to hormones.

Some more symptoms of pregnant women

Some more symptoms of pregnant women

Heartburn, facial acne, high blood pressure, sensitive sense of smell, blurred vision – these can also be seen.

Not everyone has these symptoms. Each woman has different symptoms. Some may have multiple symptoms at once. Symptoms usually subside within the first 3 months. But in some cases, it may be a few more days.

If one or more of these signs of pregnancy appear in someone, then it can be assumed that the woman is pregnant. But check-up to be sure.

How to determine if pregnant or not?

A variety of pregnancy test kits/strips are now available at pharmacies or drugstores. Which can be easily diagnosed at home. A more accurate diagnosis is known through a hospital check-up.


Being pregnant is a joy for every woman. Through this, she gets a taste of femininity. This period is a very important period of his life. Husbands and family should be caring for women during this time. Pregnant women should be aware that they get adequate nutrition and rest.


How long before the symptoms of pregnancy?

Symptoms usually start when you are 4 to 6 weeks pregnant. If you're sick all the time and can't keep anything down, see a GP. You may have hyperemesis gravidarum, a serious condition during pregnancy that causes severe vomiting and requires treatment.

How to understand the period of pregnancy?

Both pregnancy and PMS can cause many symptoms. These include mood swings, constipation, breast pain and tenderness, fatigue, bleeding, cramping, headaches, and appetite changes, some of which are signs pregnancy is more likely. These include nausea, nipple changes, and missed periods.

What are the chances of getting pregnant the first time?

Chances of conception are highest in the first month of trying (about 30% conception rate). By the end of the first year, the chance gradually drops to around 5%. Cumulative pregnancy rates are about 75% after six months, 90% after one year, and 95% after two years.

Can you get pregnant three days after ovulation?

After ovulation, your egg can only survive for 12 to 24 hours. After this period ends, your chances of getting pregnant are virtually zero until your next menstrual cycle. Your chances of getting pregnant are highest within 3 days and with ovulation.

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