Ensuring a Healthy Ramadan: What Pregnant Women Need to Know

Pregnant women are allowed to fast during Ramadan in Islam. Keeping in mind the health risks of mother and child, there is a provision to observe fast. Fasting in pregnant women does not appear to have any harmful effects. You can fast safely if you follow some things carefully for the health of yourself and your child.

What a pregnant woman should do during Ramadan

In this article, you will learn what pregnant women should do during Ramadan, the food list for Sahri and Iftar, and whether fasting is obligatory for pregnant women.

What pregnant women should do during Ramadan?

During the month of Ramadan, one has to break the fast by eating Sahri during Subh Sadiq and breaking the fast during Maghrib. In this way, the entire month of Ramadan continues. Fasting does not cause any problems in pregnant women. But still, be careful.

Because the health of the pregnant woman affects the child in the womb. A few precautions can save both mother and baby from unwanted harm.

All the problems that can be seen in pregnant women during Ramadan

Problems of pregnant women during Ramadan

Fasting all day can lead to weight loss. Especially if you fast during the first trimester and the last month of pregnancy, there is a possibility of weight loss. If the mother loses weight, the baby will also lose weight. Which will cause a physical problem of malnutrition in the child.

Not getting enough food and nutrients throughout the day can reduce the movement of the baby in the stomach. Which can cause fear.

Body weakness, excessive thirst, dehydration, headache, pain in various muscles of the body, blurred vision, and vomiting.

Difficulty urinating, burning in urination. This is usually due to dehydration. and may cause abdominal pain. Premature abortion may occur. Or goes the amount of mood swings.

Symptoms of these diseases can be seen more frequently if you have high and low blood pressure and diabetes.

These are some of the problems that occur in pregnant women due to fasting. The degree of these problems may be less or more depending on the condition of each individual. Every pregnant woman must follow certain duties to stay away from them.

Things to be followed by pregnant women during Ramadan

What pregnant women must observe in Ramadan

Before fasting, get your physical examination from the doctor to confirm whether you can fast or not. The doctor will give further directions after seeing your report.

Check your weight regularly. After a few days of fasting, if the weight continues to decrease, then break the fast. Remember that losing weight can be harmful to the baby and you. So if you see weight loss, skip fasting.

If you are very sick due to dehydration, weakness, or repeated vomiting, you should break the fast immediately.

If you feel fit to fast, eat nutritious food at Sahri and Iftar only then fast. What to eat is discussed below.

Do not smoke and take tobacco by yourself. And stay away from people who smoke and take tobacco.

Everyone's sleep routine changes during Ramadan. Even if there is a change in routine, keep enough sleep for 7-8 hours for you. Sleep for 7-8 hours during the day and night.

Avoid activities as much as possible by fasting. Get plenty of rest. It is good to take a short walk before going to bed at night.

If you have high and low blood pressure, anemia, or diabetes, it is better not to fast. If you want to keep them, be careful to keep the levels of these diseases under control. If the symptoms of these diseases increase, break the fast immediately.

Painkillers should be avoided during pregnancy and regular check-ups should be done.

Be careful about praying at this time. It is very difficult for a pregnant woman to use her whole body in prayer. If you are in trouble, sit down and pray.

Ramadan food list for pregnant women

Food for pregnant women during Ramadan

Make sure that every food on the menu is nutritious and has good-quality calories.

All you can eat for sahri

  • Sugary and fibrous foods should be kept more. Because these foods provide energy and calories to the body. Fibrous food keeps the digestive system healthy and thus improves digestion. These two elements are available from bread, rice, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Be sure to include protein-rich foods in the list to make up for nutritional deficiencies from not eating all day. Protein is available from eggs, milk, fish, and meat. Try eating seafood along with other fish. Chicken meat is better than beef, and buffalo meat. And keep nuts, sprouted grains, and legumes.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid anemia and dehydration. Milk, curd can be the best option. Water must be consumed. Drink at least 4-5 glasses of water during breakfast.

Since you have to fast all day by eating sahri, eat nutritious food to fill your stomach. But don't overeat.

Food for Iftar

Liquid food should be eaten more during this time. Because the dehydration of the whole day must be eliminated. Eat light food instead of heavy food at Iftar.

How you can do iftar

Start with a date. Take water later. Consume liquids like lemon juice, fruit juice, soup, milk, and yogurt. After a few minutes eat your favorite food. The less fried, spicy, sugary foods you eat, the better.

Eat small meals instead of eating too much at once. Have dinner 2-3 hours after iftar. Dinner can be eaten as usual. Whatever you eat, make sure it is healthy for you and your unborn baby.

What pregnant women should not eat during Ramadan

  • Avoid drinks like tea, and coffee. Because if you drink this drink, you will be more thirsty and dehydrated during the day.
  • Avoid fried, spicy, sugary foods, and eat less if you do.
  • Also, avoid soft drinks and foods you cannot tolerate.


Islam is a religion of peace. This religion does not force anything on anyone. There are no hard and fast rules. There are also instructions for pregnant women not to fast during Ramadan, the month of mercy and blessings. Islam never condones anything that causes harm to the mother and child, so there is no obligation on pregnant women to fast.

If a pregnant woman can fast by being aware of her health and that of her child, then she can fast if she wishes. Islam has given him complete freedom in this regard. So pregnant women should fast only if they are careful about their health.


Can I fast during pregnancy?

Women may fast for various reasons. Some may diet or fast to lose weight. It is important to know that one should not fast during pregnancy. This is because you need to drink enough water and eat a healthy balanced diet so that you and your baby get the nutrients you need.

Is fasting during pregnancy harmful to health?

The well-thought-out opinion of modern medical science is that fasting does not harm health but rather helps to improve the body and mind. Patients with peptic ulcer, diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis are also directly benefited by fasting.

What food should be eaten for the baby during pregnancy?

Protein helps your body's muscles and tissues grow and your baby's growth as well. Protein is found in foods like beef, pork, fish, and poultry.

Can I fast while feeding the baby?

If you are pregnant and if you are breastfeeding, fasting for long periods can affect your milk production and affect your fetus. These delicate periods of development are not the time to fast for more than one day.

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